
Protests, Socialism, and HillBillary!

All the protests we see now, since the election of our president-elect Trump. All the asinine comments they have about global warming and dying in the streets is the most infantile, childish, immoral, and spoiled behavior I have ever witnessed in my entire life! My all-time favorite was the statement they resounded that the Electoral College must “change their votes”. Not only are they childish and infantile, but they are absolutely, unequivocally, the stupidest mass group of protestors as well! Hey, morons, the electoral college CAN NOT CHANGE THEIR VOTES AFTER THE ELECTION!! I am glad you morons did not get your way because your not intelligent enough to lead the rest of us. Your mostly just a bunch of spoiled paid activists. When your old enough to raise your own family you’ll find that you were uninformed morons by thinking that way. The ones that always project that way of thinking, do it because they’re getting rich from the morons they get to follow them! Everyone else is trying to work to support their families. The ones protesting now are the selectively unemployed. Here is a link to a YouTube Video that was a remarkable prophecy for it’s time in the 1950s. I call it the “ISM” video

My own sister wanted to vote for Bernie Sanders and professes to be a Socialist. She used to always tout the fact of her Catholicism to me and my wife (but voting for an abortion proponent was Okay as long as it was a socialist, liberal, union lover). My statement to her is give 75% of your assets to the government to redistribute because you can live comfortably on the remaining 25%. What,… you don’t feel that strongly about it? She works for a union (which is exempt from the ACA so she pays nothing for health care) She absolutely hates trump and was shocked that I voted for him. I voted for him because he is what we need! I don’t work for a union, and health insurance where I work at costs about $9600 a year (it costs this much because WE are paying for the uninsured, and minimum wage employees to get free health insurance). Maybe if she had to live like the rest of the non-union U.S. she would have a different attitude about it.

Our country is so sick it needs an emergency room to heal it,… Donald Trump is that emergency room. Donald Trump is that doctor. Donald Trump is the one to decide where to apply the first of many surgical procedures necessary to bring about the improved health of our nation. If a person wants to smoke pot and work then, most of the time, that person gets a minimum wage job that doesn’t perform urinalysis on them like a real job. That same person wants free health insurance and all the free benefits of the person that makes twice as much and contributes more to our society than a fu**king hamburger. My answer is this; Put the dope down, clean yourself up, and get a real, higher paying job. Leave the minimum wage job for the High School students (like it should be) to learn how to be a responsible employee.

The thing that gets me the most is that when Obama won in 2008, and again in 2012 they attacked us for having very minor protests, they called us Bible reading, gun toting right wing fanatics. They called us deplorable, they killed our police officers, and they sold government secrets to the highest bidder. They outright hijacked our countries election process, and forced the Affordable Care Act down our throats without even reading it. The Democratic Party are nothing less than traitorous enemies of the state. They have not helped the disenfranchised minorities ever, no, they give just enough promises to them to get their votes and then leave them wanting real substance instead of promise. Now those same disenfranchised thugs are calling for the rape of Melania Trump, and the killing of Donald Trump. How dare you! Your life will not be worth two cents you idiots! Hashtags are easy to trace! You people put so much drugs and chemicals in your bodies you can’t even think right anymore. The government should sterilize you so you can’t pass on the genetic devoid idiocy that is you! Your beyond my pity.

The Grim Reaper’s Coming to Town Baby, and the Blade is Coming down fast,… you should get out of the street, and get the hell out of our way. You all are a bunch of lying, lazy, racist, self-righteous, greedy, immoral, freedom hating, socialist liberals! You are willing to sell your own nation to get your spoiled way. Most of you have not put your life on the line for your nation, and that’s why your candidate lost the race,… because you have never made a sacrifice for your nation or freedom. You literally HATE our nation, and with so many young men and women returning from embattled  countries to see what you have been doing to our nation THEY voted against you, not with you. You should pray they will be more tolerant with you than you were with them because they know how to fight and defend their beliefs, and here’s a newsflash for you,… their armed and trained!

The last thing I want to say is this; Obama used his pen to pass many laws so he could by-pass our legislative process. I’m hoping President Trump will do the same to crush those same Executive Orders Obama endorsed into law. My very real advice to all you protesters is this; Shut up, crawl into your hole, and pray to your human gods in the left-wing world that the Trump administration doesn’t squash you all with the stroke of a pen, or that he is kind enough to spare you and (like my drill instructor used to say) “fix your minds to get right thinking”.



4GW – Lawfare

You won’t find the word “Lawfare” in most dictionaries yet. It’s a derivative word from Law and Warfare, and it’s a common 4th generation warfare (4GW) tactic. Lawfare began to be noticed in 2001 before 9/11, but was used as far back as the Nuremburg Trials. Currently, lawfare is mainly used to tie-up a targets time with legal trifles so the objectives of the 4GW agents can be achieved. International Lawfare crosses borders in ways like trade agreements, and human rights issues such as the “Bush Six”. Countries manipulate, or outright violate international trade agreements to economically weaken a country. Sometimes this abuse of law works in their favor and they win cases, other times it simply buys them time to do other things. Muslims use Lawfare as a tool to exploit the legal systems in Israel, France, the U.K., Germany, and even the U.S. I can give 3 examples here, and there are more. 1.) The overwhelming cry by Muslim communities to override a country’s legal system with Sharia Law. They try to use ethnicity and religion to persuade a government to allow the use of Sharia Law instead of the Law of the Land. 2.) The refugee debacle that is also happening throughout Europe now. They have persuaded international law organizations to attempt to force, through international legal pressure, neighboring countries to accept scores of refugees at all costs to security of their countries. In the E.U. the refugees can then cross any E.U. border. Most of these refugees are not families; they are men in the 20 to 35 year old range. They are not refugees, they are suspicious at best, and sleeper cell players at worst. The U.N. has even gotten involved by using the International Court of Justice to enforce the U.N. Charter on every country that ratified the charter. Britain just exited the E.U. (Brexit) because of, in part, the lack of security with regards to borders. Brussels is the legal hub for the E.U. and they are deaf to any outcry from E.U. power-player countries. 3.) China and Russia use currency manipulation to affect the monetary exchange rate and devalue commodities exported by a country but overvalue commodities imported by the same country. The target then must spend resources appealing to the international legal system to try to force them back in line with the trade agreements, or tolerate a trade deficit and a weak economic state.

I also cite an example in the U.S. We’re having legal issues with the illegal alien and refugee traffic as well. The DOJ has, at the behest of the past presidents manipulated the legal system of the U.S. to allow scores of illegal aliens to move across the southern border with impunity. Thank God President Trump is putting the hammer down on these abuses (this sentence added on 6/28/2018). Illegal Latinos can get benefits, a driver’s license (in CA), and now some states are even about to give them the right to vote. Under the “Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees” The U.S. government is forcing the American people to accept, under duress, tens of thousands of Middle Eastern and African refugees without vetting them properly to assess the potential national security risk. Of all refugees coming into the U.S. in 2016 (85,000) The Middle Eastern and African refugees account for 69.4% (59,000)! This is a classic example of Lawfare.

I cannot speak for other countries, but in the United States this Lawfare is forced on us by an elite cluster of individuals focused on the liberal progressive agenda. They are people like the Clinton’s, Obama’s, Biden’s, Pelosi’s, Reid’s, and so on. These people have loaded the highest cabinet positions with liberal, progressively focused people. They have especially manipulated our judicial system in part by strategically placing liberally progressive judges on the benches of our courts. They also abuse the spirit of the Patriot Act and U.N. Charter. This is Lawfare.

Lawfare delegitimizes a sovereign country’s right to defend its people; it is an abuse of the one thing that prevents all of us from reverting back to the Dark Ages and barbarism. Lawfare is an affront to basic human rights and is a perversion of the purpose of the law. Imagine what it would be like if our government could use any kind of horrifying weapon they wanted on the people, or if they could legally exterminate mentally ill people, or the elderly? Imagine what it would be like if only sanctioned religions or race were allowed, such as Islam, or if the rights of the one overrode the rights of the many, or how about if our government forced us to work 100 hours a week for nearly nothing?

I don’t have to imagine what it would be like; the history books called it medieval slavery, it sparked the Crusades, and it was the Islamic currency and culture for most Muslim nations from 622 AD to 1950 AD and is allowed under Islamic Sharia Law. That’s not evolution, its regression! The only people that fair well with this kind of lawlessness are the elite Islamic radicals, and progressive liberals that orchestrate it.



Fourth Generation Warfare

Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW) also called Asymmetric Warfare by some is war or political fighting with unclear rules and unidentified fighters and non-fighters against state sponsored, organized, funded, and armed military components. Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW) was first coined in 1989 by William S. Lind and a team of United States political analysts to describe warfare’s return to its decentralized form.

First, second, and third generation wars historically were fought using clear methods. Each of the methods used in each generation was an escalation or advancement in technology from the previous generation. The intentions, goals, and rules of engagement were Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) by all involved sovereign states. Asymmetric Warfare is an example of 4GW. Asymmetric Warfare as defined by Lt. Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr, USMC, Director for Strategic Plans and Policy, J5 (Joint Chiefs of Staff) as: Leveraging inferior tactical or operational strength against American vulnerabilities to achieve disproportionate effect with the aim of undermining American will in order to achieve the asymmetric actor’s strategic objectives. It’s a mouthful, but basically it means affectively beating down tanks with sticks, tricks, rocks, and words.

Terrorism is 100%, absolutely in our country, and huge elements of it are pounding at America’s values and will. They are exploiting and breaking all our established Homeland Defense and combatant rules to get a foothold! They use “Lawfare”, media exploitation other similar asymmetric tactics to subvert, tax our time, and divert our focus from our own defense. The time to cease the conventional U.S. warfare model against this threat is now. The time to cease the “Open Borders” model is now! Our nation needs to adapt to, improvise against, and overcome this threat. We must adopt a more asymmetric warfare model that can neutralize the terrorist threat from abroad, and from imbedded elements within our country.

Nearly all of the terrorist events (claimed and unclaimed) in our country have been from radical Muslims throughout the world, and it’s time to start profiling them as such. It’s time to start calling them what they are, “Radical Muslims”! President Obama, his administration, and liberal democrats cannot bring themselves to say it because Obama is literally a sympathizing Muslim and he actually identifies with the radical jihadi philosophy. Informed Christians such as myself believe the Obama administration is engineering a civil war in our country, and ultimately, dissolution of Christianity to make way for his one world government, religion, and economy. Tell us what you think.

I will be discussing more about 4th Generation Warfare in a 3 part series starting next week, then I will end the series with a discussion on the Federalist Papers. The topics will be: Lawfare, Information Warfare, Media Warfare (propaganda), and end with The Federalist Papers.




The Orlando Terrorism Massacre

Democrat Liberal Stance on Orlando: This horrible tragedy in Orlando happened because we have no gun control laws. Anybody can buy automatic weapons in the U.S. with no background check. Christians are to blame for their radical stance on homosexuality. Republicans are to blame because of their poor stance on gun control. Radical Islam was not to blame for this (liberals are not allowed to use the words radical and Islam in the same sentence). The U.S. needs to be more like European countries. Gun control is proven and tested there. It’s the best thing for a safe environment here in the U.S., and will stop terrorism.

NRA Stance on Orlando: NRA stated that what happened in Orlando was not the fault of lax gun laws or poor gun control, but instead on the Obama administrations crippled understanding of human nature, and radical Islamic terrorism. Chris Cox, the executive director of the N.R.A. Institute for Legislative Action said “Gun laws don’t deter terrorists.” He expanded on this point, but generally it goes like this; The U.S. governments idiocy when it comes to following through and following up on suspects is lacking. Political correctness and failure to evaluate suspects using the profiling method allows terrorists to have terrorist operations unfettered in the U.S. The Obama administration and democrat liberals are to blame, not guns.

TFCP Stance on Orlando: The AR-15 is “semi-automatic”, and an M-16 (militarized AR-15) is “automatic”. Liberals always want to take away everyone’s guns, but don’t even know the very definite differences between military and civilian firearms. France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Russia allow their citizens to own AR-15 (semi-automatic) rifles for personal use as long as they get a class B permit. A class B permit is a “Shall Issue” permit in all of these countries if the citizen passes a background check, and in some countries like Russia, a psychological evaluation. The following European and European commonwealth countries have very serious restrictions on them if not an out-right ban on them and other guns: United Kingdom, Scotland, Australia, Canada, Ireland, and South Africa (basically countries from the “Realm of Great Britain.”). Their violent crime rates are higher than the U.S.

According to the website Gun Facts you can find the following information in addition to a mountain of further evidence debunking gun control. Fact: According to the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime in 2010, the top 100 countries for homicide do not include the U.S, and the top ten countries all have near or total firearm bans. Fact: According to the Dutch Ministry of Justice in 2001 the U.S. has a violent crime rate lower than 12 of seventeen industrialized countries due in large part to the 2.5 million annual defense gun uses.

The problem is not guns, and banning guns won’t stop terrorism. If you want to change the terrorism escalation in the United States, you have to change the way you think. The Obama administration sympathizes with Islamic ideologies and everyone knows it. His administration quells the voice and actions of our Homeland Security thereby allowing the radicalization of Muslims. This is why this problem will not disappear, but get larger. He and his administration are a big part of the problem. You have to first realistically identify the threat, and then realistically identify the weaknesses in the threat. Once these are done then attack the weaknesses in the most unmerciful way possible. You must not stop until the entire threat is eradicated. Most U.S. citizens do not have the stomach for this last part because they have never served in the military and don’t understand the price for liberty and freedom.

In a nutshell we need to do the following: 1.) Identify the Threat: Radical Islam is behind the terrorism in the U.S., and abroad. Non-radical Islamists refuse to assist us in eradicating this threat because of the religious ties they have with them. That being the case a well-known general once said: “The friend of my enemy is my enemy”. Non-radical Muslim organizations, un-cooperating mosques, and un-cooperating Muslim populace are not willing to assimilate into our society. They instead want society to change to their religion or suffer death (according to the Koran). 2.) Identify the Weaknesses: The Muslim weakness is their radical religion, and the desire to bring others into that religion. They also hide money sources and wealth. Their money is used to support Jihad. 3.) Attack the weaknesses: Disallow them from immigrating to the U.S. Do not take any refugees from any Islamic country. All past Muslim refugees must be sent back to their originating country. Disallow Sharia Law in the U.S. Instead of respecting their religion defame it (like they do with Christianity). Instead of allowing them to play nice during Ramadan, bring the battle to them by disrespecting them (like they do with Christianity during Christmas season). When they want to worship in their Mosques cause noise and disharmony (like they do with Christianity). When they want to wear clothing that covers their face force them to remove it by pulling it from their faces. Profile all Muslims as radical Muslims; do not try to differentiate from non-radicals. Place the Muslim religion at the top of a “Radical Watch List” (like the government does with Christianity). Don’t allow Muslims to be judges, lawyers, or scientists or attend our education system or universities. Ban them from owning land, or holding government positions and military service. Treat them as second class citizens. If all these things don’t hurt them enough to want to leave the U.S. then mandate the execution of all known terrorists and seize their family’s assets before deporting these families.

Zero Tolerance is the operative word here. Anyone not willing to allow what I’ve listed here will always have to look over their shoulder because radical Islamic terrorism is a religion, an ideology, a way to bring the battle to us, and they will not stop until they win. I know some of you reading this will think “this guy who wrote this is a Nazi!” I’m a Christian, not a Nazi. The Nazis killed Jews, homosexuals, the infirmed, the elderly, and others not because of the terroristic tendencies but because they were in the way and would not capitulate! Radical Muslims are terrorists! Their Muslim Sharia laws allow them to lie, cheat, steal, kill, and put into bondage any non-Muslims they choose. My last note on this is to absolutely never trust any Muslim ever!
