
Disappearing Privacy in the U.S.

PrivacyWhy is it that the government gets their panties in a bunch every time an advocacy group questions their transparency but they want the general populous as transparent to them as possible? I find it very troubling that they (the government and congress) must hide everything that they do as our representatives, but everything the American Citizen does must be known to them no matter how minor. The U.S. government is bringing online an NSA program they like to call “Total Information Awareness” system (TIA). The TIA incorporates an advanced framework of “Data Mining” algorithms that allow government officials to access our personal information. This data includes, but is not limited to web searches, emails, phone calls, financial records, medical records, educational records, social associations, security video, and more. All this information could be compiled on any company or individual allowing a detailed profile on that company or person. If used with the new, and effective facial recognition, and license plate software in use by law enforcement authorities, they could effectively cause political changes to take place in our government through manipulation of information, and selective leaks to the media. They could be the absolute puppet-master and we would be the minion puppets.


Most of this type of data is called “Big Data” and requires a vast storage facility to allow for the manipulation of it. In addition it requires multiple “Super Computers” to actually analyze and quantify the data being harvested by them. This facility has been built in Bluffdale, Utah and is called the “Utah Data Center”, but it is officially called the “Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center”. It is approximately 1,000,000 square feet total with about 100,000 square feet just for data storage area. The cost for the facility is about $6 billion dollars. The tarfeathers.com administrator “Cb4life” stated in one of his comments that he wondered where Hillary Clinton lost $6 billion dollars at. This might be it. Its stated purpose is to support the “Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative” (CNCI).The Data Center has a 35,000 square foot power substation facility to supply power to it when on the power grid. The facility incorporates 12 cooling towers, 2 massive fuel tanks, 2 water towers, 4 huge power generation buildings, 2 massive chiller plants, and an administration building that occupies a small footprint near the center. It also has a very small visitors facility to passify the curious. It can operate for long periods of time when off the grid on its fuel reserves. To put it bluntly,… this is a huge, self-contained data collection facility! Big Brother has been born. He’s in Utah.

Recently a man in Nevada wanted to get a copy of his children’s school records because the State Board of Education was incorporating all school records into a multi-state consortium that shares students’ data. He wanted the copies in order to see what they were collecting on his children. The School Board said it would cost him $10,000 to get the copies!? Why? Does it cost the school that much to access students records? If it does their system is completely innefficient, and is absurd! No, what they are doing is abusing their power. This is why I have a problem with big data mining, and vanishing personal privacy. Similar to the Nevada Board of Education there is always an abuse of power when government is left unchecked and to its own devices. Most government employees are overpaid, and under-supervised. The exception to the rule is our military,… they are over-supervised and underpaid (but they do have cool toys). I know from personal experience.

I don’t want anyone reading this to get the wrong idea here. I am a believer in national security, and I am a stone-cold patriot with awards to prove it. I believe we need a comprehensive, global intelligence collecting data center to protect us from those that would love nothing better than to annihilate us and our way of life. I’m onboard with killing those killers who desperately deserve it! We also need balance. We need to be able to expect, or at least have a reasonable expectation, that we have privacy. Let’s face it, real privacy is a thing of the past, but “observable legal privacy” in our religious, political, social, educational, employment, and legal affairs should be an inalienable right even if facts about this information are known to the government. They should never be allowed to use them against us personally, or as a people to manipulate the masses. National defense should be the only reason to compile this information against companies, or persons suspected of treason, insurrection, cyber assault, or armed assault. Oversight by an authority that is truly loyal to the citizens of the U.S. should be incorporated here. Congress cannot be trusted. They are all self-centered, self-inflating, self-rationalizing “sell-outs”. They are the ones that need to be watched, just look at Roman history. No, it must be an entity that cannot be bought out by big money; an entity that doesn’t need to look at the collected data to protect the citizen or company from its exposure. I believe an “Independent Citizens Rights Commission” with full legal authority to impose legal protections for our citizens is what is needed here.

This is “Post One” of a two part blog post. “Post Two” (The Tor Project: Online Anonymity) addresses steps that we, as citizens can take to protect our families and selves against the growing trend of disappearing privacy. These steps are effective and are very secure against all tracking and net-presence with only a few exceptions.


Main Stream Media Madness

The immense media machine we lovingly call the “Mainstream Media” have worn out their welcome, proven their selves irrelevant, and they desperately seek validity from the free populous who’ve been burned in the furnace of impossible promise. Those brainwashed by the media’s biased reporting and left-leaning agenda are dumbfounded at the state of the Union, and the astounding failures of the once idolized king (president). Was this not the “precious one”? Did he not have the backing of the entire media empire CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, and the CW? Did not even the Latin broadcasting networks Univision and Telemundo idolize him as well? Even movies prompted people to think this follower was a magnanimous leader through shows depicting a new utopian society where his socialist agenda would be the saving force the United States of America needed. No, none of this really happened. Sunshine didn’t start flying out of peoples back-sides.

The wealth redistribution plan he devised using the Affordable Care Act as a vehicle is in the ICU, and the prognosis is grim. Yet the mainstream media would have us believe that it’s the best thing since bottled beer, and sliced bread. The bailout plan only made the richest fortune 500 companies even richer. These same companies failed to hire new employees as per their agreement and thereby lied to the American People. This fact was not deemed news-worthy by the left leaning media moguls. The Ford Motor Company was the only American Auto Manufacturer not accepting the government loan and they continue to out-perform their other American competitors. The media didn’t want to cover much of that story either. Natural resources such as coal, crude oil, natural gas, and mining have all had massive laws enforced by the EPA curtailing their every effort to bring us out of the energy slump. This was bolstered by the mainstream media, and continues to be as demonstrated by the Keystone XL debauch. The media transformed the thinking of our youth through the incessant bombarding of the educational system with socialist ideas, the idea that everyone is a winner, and everyone should be the CEO. Everyone gets a trophy no matter how insignificant their contribution to the goal. I could go on, and on about the deceptions and lies they pervade in order to dupe the public trust. This is all for the liberal, socialistic cause.

The fact is that they have to use these tactics because if they didn’t we would never willingly approve of, or promote their ideology of Socialism. The main stream media is a socialistic propaganda outlet for the uber-liberal monkeys in Washington DC, and Europe. Our free nation was founded on the right of each and every American Citizen to pursue happiness, and for each of us to be able to rise to the top of the economic food chain. Our great country did not become great because we pursued the idea of a Monarchy, or Socialism. No, we ran like hell away from it so that we all had a fair shot at being independently wealthy. We wanted a fair shot at educating our children the way we saw fit to do. A fair shot to organize, and defend our jobs. We ran away from oppression, gun control, taxes used as a punishment, religious oppression, property redistribution, and land grabbing by the government. We bolted at the idea that we could not hunt, fish, or even cut a plow into the soil and grow a saleable crop without “Uncle Monkey” prescribing what or how to do it. The main stream media liberal outlet has spared no expense to remove the thought of freedom from our minds. I find it very comforting to know that even with all this effort they still are failing. Most people that voted for the liberal idea are realizing that the promise was a hollow promise. The socialist idea is failing because it didn’t “root” fast enough, and didn’t see fruition in the product of the youth because, like it or not, our youth is a “materialistic youth”. If you can’t show them a new shiny whistle every day, they become unimpressed. That’s what’s happened to the main stream media. They have become irrelevant, and invalidated. Peers Morgan can take his happy Limey ass back to his socialistic Great Britain. We’ll let him take a plane this time instead of a ship.