Our Second Amendment Rights



“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

As Thomas Jefferson once said: “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

Recently the Obama administration changed the HIPPA laws so the government can have access to all healthcare data of patients. This was signed by executive order. A few days ago he again signed an executive order eliminating M855/SS109 AR-15 ammunition because it was considered “AP (armor piercing)”. This ammunition has been legal for over 3 decades. Why is it dangerous now? Here’s why. Because his paramilitary police are afraid that the people could defend against a tyrannical move by the government trying to overpower the free people.

Our second amendment rights do not have anything to do with sporting, hunting, or plinking cans. It was never worded in such a way as to give that impression either. The second amendment was authored by our for-fathers to protect us from a tyrannical government. Democrats and liberals of all persuasion endeavor to remove the guns from all citizens’ of our United States because they will hold ALL the power and can remove any of us they don’t like and make us do what they want. It was the first step in the grand design of such infamous people such as Stalin, Hitler, and Chairman Mao to name just a few. The main purpose of our Constitution is to LIMIT THE POWER OF OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, and NOT THE PEOPLE. A militia is a paramilitary group of armed citizen’s organized without the approval of government for the purpose of maintaining the true “Spirit of the Word” of the Constitution. It was contemplated at length by our for-fathers and strategically implemented into our Bill of Rights. Without the Second Amendment none of our other rights can be guaranteed.

Obama’s plan of tyranny is this:

  1. Ensure that anyone that needs to have outpatient, or inpatient addiction or mental treatment gets it. By using mass slayings and drug crimes as the catalyst.
  2. Ensure laws are subversively written to make healthcare mandatory, and under government control. By enacting the AHCA (Affordable Health Care Act).
  3. Change the HIPPA laws so the government has complete access to all patient health records. By enforcing it with our astronomically huge tax code.
  4. Remove all guns from anyone found requiring treatment for mental disorders. By using the NSA and other surveillance tactics to mine the health care data.
  5. Establish a Socialistic Reform Plan in the U.S. and quell any resistance to the plan using paramilitary police units. By calling it wealth redistribution and Class Equalization.

Liberals and Democrats embrace the progressiveness of this plan, and socialists have a victory party because they’ve won. The absolute ignorance of our youth coupled with the liberal-minded passiveness of our educational system is off the charts and teaches this big-brother philosophy. I feel sorry for them and can foresee their death and destruction by their own inactions. Too bad they’ve been duped by the educational establishment’s sociological promise of “Utopia”. Dumbasses one and all.

I see it plain as daylight,… can’t anyone else?

This just in today (3/10/2015): The ATF has shelved the proposed ban on M855/SS109 ammo. Thank you to the 52 Senators and 238 House members joining in opposition to the Obama proposed ban on the ammo. A special thanks goes out to Rand Paul on this matter for successfully pushing for voter involvement. Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., started the petition. “This attack on the Second Amendment is wrong and should be overturned, and a clear, sizeable majority of the House agrees.”


One thought on “Our Second Amendment Rights

  1. Once again your right at every account. This runs so deep within our governments Federal, state and local. It is hard to understand or believe how so many U.S. citizens are just rolling over. Allowing both liberty and security to be taken … handed over to those who seek to destroy the U.S. For the hope of that “Utopia where everyone will get along and play nice.
    This brings us to what we here have been trying to get across to our readers in hopes they pass it along. Take action that all are able to do even in small way.
    The success of the Muslim Brotherhood to destroy from within didn’t happen over just these last two decades. Progressive Socialist Liberals have taken over our college’s. Then passing this on to your children and grand children.
    Lets face it we who have lived in a time when we where taught and understood the Constitution’s of both federal and states. Have dropped the ball in our taking and keeping charge of what and how our schools are taught. Allowing liberal courts to completely change the meaning of the worlds printed in our Constitution.
    We show it! Now stop rubbing hands together in fear and hopelessness . Take action to change it.

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