The masters of misdirection along with their propaganda media has proven once again truth and honor stands little chance to stand against them. Stating the lie loud enough and long enough to the simple minded that never research facts. The lie becomes their truth, regardless of factual truths that are presented.
How anyone not seeing the evil treasonous agenda that is being set. Is either in blatant denial, in shock from disbelief or an active part in the destruction of the United States.
The chaos that was encouraged by the Obama and Holder through their racist riot advocates Al Sharpton, New Black Panthers and many more. Has had the effect they was hoping for in their steps to total Martial Law. Stepping even closer to Marxist/Socialist Tyrant rule.
Paranoia is what I have been accused of. While the Obama and the chaos masters have the blacks of the U.S. believing they are the target of all law enforcement. Misleading to down right lies about them being killed because they are black. While the shooting by law enforcement is there. Whites are shot and killed by police is 3 times that of blacks. Black on black shootings and killings are almost over 25% more. This point is buried, ignored and or falsely explained away. Without these lies magnified there wouldn’t be the chaos.
Another set of total misleading lies began before the Brown shooting ever went to the grand jury. All proven wrong by eye witness’s and 3…. yes three medical exames. (Like cutting the board 3 times and its still to short) Dismissed only witness’s that later changed their stories or wasn’t even there.
1, There was NO hands up don’t shoot.
The rest of what happened is public knowledge. Brown broke the law, refused to comply and was a threat to Officer Wilsons safety.
How does this all play into the Obama agenda?
1, Obama has the chaos that is required and has been for every tyrant to take total control. All his goons pushing this across the nation.
2, Now Eric Holder is making new laws to “stop racial profiling once and for all”. This takes away from law enforcement at every level their means to follow illegal actions because of race. Of anyone foreign or domestic terrorist. Such as the New Black Panthers. (note here The Black Panthers that tried to blow up the St. Louis Arch and assassinate St. Louis officals, Got off with a small weapons charge form the DOJ. What does that tell you.) Those who riot and burn are not protesters.They are in fact real domestic terrorist.
3, Obama and Holder are in motion right now to take over the Cleveland Police Department. With the power struggle to take over states and cities local laws.
This site the Constitution Defender. Has posted article after article about the step Obama needed to complete for total hostile take over of the United States. To many have came to pass.
Our course of action? Write, call and e-mail every media out let. Every single member of Congress the new members and the setting lame ducks. Organize!!!
Hope to hear from you…. Don
CB4life I think your on to something here! It sure isn’t about us. It’s about the president getting on his knees and using his lips to kiss the asses of all those that despise our people and nation as a whole. He is our country’s “PROXY ASS KISSER”. His lips cover the biggest asses in the world. He wants to keep throwing curve balls about his policies in the hope that nobody will notice, or that his ethnicity will allow him to further his agenda by creating a state of panic and despondency throughout the challenged classes of our society. He does this by abusing his authority as President. His outright blatant abuse of “Executive Action Power” is so legendary that some countries refer to Obama as a dictator in presidential attire! From the stimulus package(s) to the failed rollout of “Obama-Care”, he has lied and used his allied media outlets to publicize strife and fabricated class warfare in our country. Finally, concerning his Executive Action on immigration, a federal judge has spanked him hard, and rightfully so! I’ll be glad when this as#%ole is out of office and some conservative action can take place!