I’m addressing this post to idiot progressives and those that sympathize with them. I hope when all you protesters against Trump want your own voice the conservatives stop you like you are doing to Trump. Whenever you progressive idiots want to speak you demand to be heard. The first amendment only applies to your kind. Whenever you want free benefits it only applies to you. In my opinion you freeloaders and Trump haters are the problem and should be put in prison for violating Trumps rights, and the rights of the people to hear what they want. As part of your penalty you should have ALL your free welfare benefits, phones, health, and disability benefits taken away forever.
You progressives constantly mandate that your rights to free speech not be curtailed, but with the same racist rhetoric you quell everyone else who disagrees with your demands, or wants to have their demands heard. I think it’s time for conservatives to start carrying and using their second amendment rights! We should start protecting our right of free easement, travel, and speech wherever we want in our country. We need to stand up and hurt you the way you hurt us! We need to defend our rights, and the rights of conservatives that cannot protect themselves. WE are the ones that pay ALL the bills. We need to stop paying the bills, and start forcing YOU to work for your freeloading benefits. You want food freeloader? Work for it by digging ditches, fixing roads, and working on the jobs nobody else wants to do. You don’t work, you don’t eat! The reason that you protesting freeloaders have so much time to protest is because YOU DON’T WORK! Get a job and shut your mouths! The working class doesn’t need you here so leave! You ignorant people have ingrained in me a hatred for you that will never be stifled. I know you will never try to step on me because you know I will step on you with such great vengeance that you will immediately know you made a mistake. I’m not alone in my thoughts either!
As for you sickening professional protesters you don’t even believe in what you do. You are a bunch of money grubbing smelly swine stirring up a civil war in our country. You’re not worthy of food, water, medicine, or family. I hope your own children alienate you because you’re too old for them.
Your entire progressive movement is causing a war in our country. You are uneducated idiots that can’t see from one minute to the next, or think from one minute to the next without a progressive elite telling you what to believe, say, or do! The progressive elitists tell you to kill your children through their impractical ideology like abortion and you can’t comply fast enough because your free benefits are at stake. I have no respect at all for your class of human being. You drain the very life from everything you touch in this country, and world. You hate faith-based groups because they speak of love while you embody hate and racism even though the vast majority of you are minorities. Our blue collar hatred for you all is ripe. You will see that you have made a mistake with our freedoms. If a civil war happens G. Soros can supply your body bags… he’s the one bankrolling most of you and the protesters anyway.