Disinformation, PSYOP’s, media manipulation, media blackouts, and censorship of news, are just a few of the 4th Generation Warfare tactics used by asymmetric actors and their agents to promulgate propaganda. In the U.S. the Hollywood elite use the movie, film, and TV industries to carry subliminal or obvious messages of their beliefs, philosophies, values, morals, and agenda to unsuspecting viewers. They try to sway public opinion about presidential candidates, congressional bills, public laws, international events, racial events, and other controversial subject matter.
Investigative journalist’s sometimes play the “unknowing functionary” to an organization because of the journalist’s lack of story validation through multiple witness corroboration, story disinformation, or simply need to get “the story”. As an example of disinformation I cite the Israeli and Palestinian conflicts that invariably contain fake footage (Pallywood) of children dying and suffering that later, after the story has broken with fake footage, the story is found to be propaganda. Then the news media is embarrassed by their mistake and very little effort if any is spent correcting their story. Public opinion has been swayed and the propaganda agents have succeeded. This is also an element of media manipulation.
Psychological Warfare is another tactic employed by 4GW agents. PSYOP teams are deployed mainly by the U.S., U.K., Germany, Russia, China, and North Korea but other minor players use this 4GW tactic as well. There are three subcategories of Psychological Warfare. They are White Propaganda, Gray Propaganda, and Black Propaganda and each of these has its advantages. In the Middle East the use of gray and black propaganda are favored because the war there encompasses oil rights, sovereign territories, and religious freedom elements. In the U.S. terrorist elements use gray propaganda because of the religious nature of their threat. As an example I will cite religious persecution by the Muslim terrorist groups in Turkey, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Egypt to name a few. Black propaganda is used by agents that have complete media control and can fabricate any story they want like North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Since only sanctioned media is viewed by their target, they only have lies to form an opinion from. To counter this threat the U.S. has, since 1942, been broadcasting the Voice of America in communist, and other oppressed countries throughout the world.
Media manipulation is another form of media warfare employed greatly in the U.S. Sympathetic agents in the media industry allow nefarious use of PR, advertising, mass media marketing, propagandizing, hoaxing, and social activism within their media broadcasts, or in print. Instant social activism (hashtag activism) is carried out by agents and activists that use Twitter, Facebook, Instant Messaging, Snap Chat, and others to gather people together for rallies, protests, and other assemblies at a moment’s notice to disrupt legitimate events and organizational functions such as political rallies, fund raisers, and life changing events. I like to call it “Digital Activism”, and it legitimizes lawlessness. It usually is initiated by a paid activist that cannot be traced and uses false information about a volatile subject. As an example I cite the riots in Ferguson, MO and the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Propagandists have sealed the police officers fate and strengthened a movement of lies about all police actions against blacks (honestly, I think that ALL lives matter but the black lives matter group doesn’t agree with me).
Media blackouts are another tactic practiced by governments to filter messages sent to the people. I cite as an example, the Orlando terrorist attack. The FBI censored the 911 phone call that the terrorist made during his rampage. Because of public outcry they later uncensored it, but changed key words used by the terrorist in his verbal rant. They received more outcries but still refused to deliver the uncensored version. It was a good thing that a conservative media news outlet was able to produce the unedited version to compare the others to. As an excuse for the censorship the president stated “they’re just words”. Really, Mr. Obama, I guess “Emancipation Proclamation” is just a couple of words too? Anyway, media blackouts do happen, and with greater frequency than most people think in the U.S. The news outlets often cite “ethics” as the reason for it, but ethics are rarely displayed by them on anything else. As a consolation to all of this hidden agenda, conspiracy, and disinformation propaganda stuff I’ll leave you with the link to WikiLeaks. The information WikiLeaks has released about our shifty politicians and the government scams created by those same shifty politicians is eye-opening to say the least! From other governments to our own, WikiLeaks doesn’t discriminate. Right now they are targeting the DNC, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Again, as always I would like to thank the Wikipedia folks. They make researching easy for people like me.