
Reckless Theocracy

Ahmad Hamzeh

An Iranian lawmaker, Ahmad Hamzeh declared a bounty on President Trump’s head Tuesday during a speech to parliament in Tehran. Ahmad Hamzeh said: “On behalf of the people of Kerman province, we will pay a $3 million reward in cash to whoever kills Trump”. The city of Kerman was the hometown of Gen. Qassem Suleimani, who was killed in a U.S. airstrike on Jan. 3.

To you Ahmad Hamzeh. I’ll make it clear for your mangy rug-faced, death-seeking, theocratic terrorist ass. One of our most inexpensive missiles killed your beloved Suleimani. It didn’t cost $3 million. No,… it only cost us $117,000, and your best general was incinerated with great precision. You stupid Persians just don’t get it do you,… you are controlled by your emotions because of your theocracy, not rationality. You don’t have a people that have a government; you have a government religion that uses a people. If you don’t know the difference your doomed to the same fate as Suleimani because Iran’s theocratic notions, and emotions will always cause you to do irrational, moronic things. See below for information about the $117,000 Hellfire Missile (I call it the heartbreaker).

Ahmad Hamzeh wrote a book called “In the Path of Hizbullah”. In that book Hamzeh opines that Hezbollah emerged because of 4 key Middle Eastern events starting in 1943. They allegedly are: Identity Crisis and Persecution, Structural Imbalance, Military Defeat, and Demonstration Effect (Iran’s Islamic Revolution). In my opinion I believe he is only partly correct. He loves his theocracy, and Hezbollah but the same events are true for ISIS, PLO, and all the variant Middle East terrorist organizations. In fact, these events began long before 1943 but Hamzeh won’t speak of it because they want all Middle Eastern nations to come over to the dark side,… Fundamentalist Shia Muslim Identity (yea, I said it).

The Real History:

Oil was discovered in the Middle East in 1908 (think French Foreign Legion in Algeria, England’s push for Middle Eastern oil grab, and decline of the Ottoman Empire from 1876-1908). In 1908 an Ottoman faction called the “Young Turks” revolted for reforms. Foreign relations under the “Young Turks” led to disaster because they backed Germany in WW1 (and later during WW2). As part of the proposed Peace Settlement, Britain annexed Cyprus, and claimed Egypt as a protectorate. By 1920 the “Treaty of Sèvres” divided much of the Middle East into various regions we now know as Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Algeria, Bosnia, Serbia, Cyprus, the Balkans, etc. This division was based on how the entire region could be divided amongst the winning foreign powers France, Russia, Italy, Britain, etc. The divided regions were divided by map lines and not tribal factions (Shia, Sunni, Christian, etc.). This led to cascading conflicts in the entire region from Bosnia to Oman. These cascading events are the root of every conflict that has erupted from 1908 until present. And it all started with crude oil.

In 1927 oil was discovered in Iraq. In 1933 oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia. In 1938 the Mullahs backed Germany again. In 1943 autonomous regions such as Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq were given Independence. In 1948 Israel was granted Statehood in Palestine from Britain. In 1951 the largest oil deposit was found in Saudi Arabia.  In 1973 there was an oil embargo (Nov. 1973-May 1974). In 1975 Terrorists attacked Saudi oil ministers. In 1978 the U.S. backed Shah of Iran was overthrown and began the Iran Revolution. In 1979 Saddam Hussein became Iraq’s 5th president under the Ba’ath Socialist Party, and Iran kidnapped 52 U.S. hostages during an embassy takeover. In 1980 the U.S. backed Iraq began an 8 year war with Iran (and won). In 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait for its oil reserves. In 1991 The U.S. led coalition forces caused Saddam Hussein to retreat back to Iraq (igniting dozens of oil wells in the process). In 2001 Saudi Arabian terrorists attacked the world trade center destroying the Twin Towers, and igniting a decades-long war in the Middle East that rages on to this day. Again,… it all started with crude oil.

AGM-114 Hellfire Missile

The AGM-114 Hellfire is an air-to-surface missile (ASM) first developed for anti-armor use, but later models were developed for precision drone strikes against other target types, and have been used in a number of targeted killings of high-profile individuals (like Suleimani). The cost is $117,000. It was originally developed under the name Heliborne, Laser, Fire and Forget Missile, which led to the colloquial name “Hellfire” ultimately becoming the missile’s formal name. It has multi-mission, multi-target precision-strike ability, and can be launched from multiple air, sea, and ground platforms, including the Predator drone. The Hellfire missile is the primary 100-pound (45 kg) class air-to-ground precision weapon for the armed forces of the United States and many other nations. (courtesy, Wikipedia)


4GW – Media Warfare (Propaganda)

Disinformation, PSYOP’s, media manipulation, media blackouts, and censorship of news, are just a few of the 4th Generation Warfare tactics used by asymmetric actors and their agents to promulgate propaganda. In the U.S. the Hollywood elite use the movie, film, and TV industries to carry subliminal or obvious messages of their beliefs, philosophies, values, morals, and agenda to unsuspecting viewers. They try to sway public opinion about presidential candidates, congressional bills, public laws, international events, racial events, and other controversial subject matter.

Investigative journalist’s sometimes play the “unknowing functionary” to an organization because of the journalist’s lack of story validation through multiple witness corroboration, story disinformation, or simply need to get “the story”. As an example of disinformation I cite the Israeli and Palestinian conflicts that invariably contain fake footage (Pallywood) of children dying and suffering that later, after the story has broken with fake footage, the story is found to be propaganda. Then the news media is embarrassed by their mistake and very little effort if any is spent correcting their story. Public opinion has been swayed and the propaganda agents have succeeded. This is also an element of media manipulation.

Psychological Warfare is another tactic employed by 4GW agents. PSYOP teams are deployed mainly by the U.S., U.K., Germany, Russia, China, and North Korea but other minor players use this 4GW tactic as well. There are three subcategories of Psychological Warfare. They are White Propaganda, Gray Propaganda, and Black Propaganda and each of these has its advantages. In the Middle East the use of gray and black propaganda are favored because the war there encompasses oil rights, sovereign territories, and religious freedom elements. In the U.S. terrorist elements use gray propaganda because of the religious nature of their threat. As an example I will cite religious persecution by the Muslim terrorist groups in Turkey, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Egypt to name a few. Black propaganda is used by agents that have complete media control and can fabricate any story they want like North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Since only sanctioned media is viewed by their target, they only have lies to form an opinion from. To counter this threat the U.S. has, since 1942, been broadcasting the Voice of America in communist, and other oppressed countries throughout the world.

Media manipulation is another form of media warfare employed greatly in the U.S. Sympathetic agents in the media industry allow nefarious use of PR, advertising, mass media marketing, propagandizing, hoaxing, and social activism within their media broadcasts, or in print. Instant social activism (hashtag activism) is carried out by agents and activists that use Twitter, Facebook, Instant Messaging, Snap Chat, and others to gather people together for rallies, protests, and other assemblies at a moment’s notice to disrupt legitimate events and organizational functions such as political rallies, fund raisers, and life changing events. I like to call it “Digital Activism”, and it legitimizes lawlessness. It usually is initiated by a paid activist that cannot be traced and uses false information about a volatile subject. As an example I cite the riots in Ferguson, MO and the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Propagandists have sealed the police officers fate and strengthened a movement of lies about all police actions against blacks (honestly, I think that ALL lives matter but the black lives matter group doesn’t agree with me).

Media blackouts are another tactic practiced by governments to filter messages sent to the people. I cite as an example, the Orlando terrorist attack. The FBI censored the 911 phone call that the terrorist made during his rampage. Because of public outcry they later uncensored it, but changed key words used by the terrorist in his verbal rant. They received more outcries but still refused to deliver the uncensored version. It was a good thing that a conservative media news outlet was able to produce the unedited version to compare the others to. As an excuse for the censorship the president stated “they’re just words”. Really, Mr. Obama, I guess “Emancipation Proclamation” is just a couple of words too? Anyway, media blackouts do happen, and with greater frequency than most people think in the U.S. The news outlets often cite “ethics” as the reason for it, but ethics are rarely displayed by them on anything else. As a consolation to all of this hidden agenda, conspiracy, and disinformation propaganda stuff I’ll leave you with the link to WikiLeaks. The information WikiLeaks has released about our shifty politicians and the government scams created by those same shifty politicians is eye-opening to say the least! From other governments to our own, WikiLeaks doesn’t discriminate. Right now they are targeting the DNC, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Again, as always I would like to thank the Wikipedia folks. They make researching easy for people like me.



The Orlando Terrorism Massacre

Democrat Liberal Stance on Orlando: This horrible tragedy in Orlando happened because we have no gun control laws. Anybody can buy automatic weapons in the U.S. with no background check. Christians are to blame for their radical stance on homosexuality. Republicans are to blame because of their poor stance on gun control. Radical Islam was not to blame for this (liberals are not allowed to use the words radical and Islam in the same sentence). The U.S. needs to be more like European countries. Gun control is proven and tested there. It’s the best thing for a safe environment here in the U.S., and will stop terrorism.

NRA Stance on Orlando: NRA stated that what happened in Orlando was not the fault of lax gun laws or poor gun control, but instead on the Obama administrations crippled understanding of human nature, and radical Islamic terrorism. Chris Cox, the executive director of the N.R.A. Institute for Legislative Action said “Gun laws don’t deter terrorists.” He expanded on this point, but generally it goes like this; The U.S. governments idiocy when it comes to following through and following up on suspects is lacking. Political correctness and failure to evaluate suspects using the profiling method allows terrorists to have terrorist operations unfettered in the U.S. The Obama administration and democrat liberals are to blame, not guns.

TFCP Stance on Orlando: The AR-15 is “semi-automatic”, and an M-16 (militarized AR-15) is “automatic”. Liberals always want to take away everyone’s guns, but don’t even know the very definite differences between military and civilian firearms. France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Russia allow their citizens to own AR-15 (semi-automatic) rifles for personal use as long as they get a class B permit. A class B permit is a “Shall Issue” permit in all of these countries if the citizen passes a background check, and in some countries like Russia, a psychological evaluation. The following European and European commonwealth countries have very serious restrictions on them if not an out-right ban on them and other guns: United Kingdom, Scotland, Australia, Canada, Ireland, and South Africa (basically countries from the “Realm of Great Britain.”). Their violent crime rates are higher than the U.S.

According to the website Gun Facts you can find the following information in addition to a mountain of further evidence debunking gun control. Fact: According to the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime in 2010, the top 100 countries for homicide do not include the U.S, and the top ten countries all have near or total firearm bans. Fact: According to the Dutch Ministry of Justice in 2001 the U.S. has a violent crime rate lower than 12 of seventeen industrialized countries due in large part to the 2.5 million annual defense gun uses.

The problem is not guns, and banning guns won’t stop terrorism. If you want to change the terrorism escalation in the United States, you have to change the way you think. The Obama administration sympathizes with Islamic ideologies and everyone knows it. His administration quells the voice and actions of our Homeland Security thereby allowing the radicalization of Muslims. This is why this problem will not disappear, but get larger. He and his administration are a big part of the problem. You have to first realistically identify the threat, and then realistically identify the weaknesses in the threat. Once these are done then attack the weaknesses in the most unmerciful way possible. You must not stop until the entire threat is eradicated. Most U.S. citizens do not have the stomach for this last part because they have never served in the military and don’t understand the price for liberty and freedom.

In a nutshell we need to do the following: 1.) Identify the Threat: Radical Islam is behind the terrorism in the U.S., and abroad. Non-radical Islamists refuse to assist us in eradicating this threat because of the religious ties they have with them. That being the case a well-known general once said: “The friend of my enemy is my enemy”. Non-radical Muslim organizations, un-cooperating mosques, and un-cooperating Muslim populace are not willing to assimilate into our society. They instead want society to change to their religion or suffer death (according to the Koran). 2.) Identify the Weaknesses: The Muslim weakness is their radical religion, and the desire to bring others into that religion. They also hide money sources and wealth. Their money is used to support Jihad. 3.) Attack the weaknesses: Disallow them from immigrating to the U.S. Do not take any refugees from any Islamic country. All past Muslim refugees must be sent back to their originating country. Disallow Sharia Law in the U.S. Instead of respecting their religion defame it (like they do with Christianity). Instead of allowing them to play nice during Ramadan, bring the battle to them by disrespecting them (like they do with Christianity during Christmas season). When they want to worship in their Mosques cause noise and disharmony (like they do with Christianity). When they want to wear clothing that covers their face force them to remove it by pulling it from their faces. Profile all Muslims as radical Muslims; do not try to differentiate from non-radicals. Place the Muslim religion at the top of a “Radical Watch List” (like the government does with Christianity). Don’t allow Muslims to be judges, lawyers, or scientists or attend our education system or universities. Ban them from owning land, or holding government positions and military service. Treat them as second class citizens. If all these things don’t hurt them enough to want to leave the U.S. then mandate the execution of all known terrorists and seize their family’s assets before deporting these families.

Zero Tolerance is the operative word here. Anyone not willing to allow what I’ve listed here will always have to look over their shoulder because radical Islamic terrorism is a religion, an ideology, a way to bring the battle to us, and they will not stop until they win. I know some of you reading this will think “this guy who wrote this is a Nazi!” I’m a Christian, not a Nazi. The Nazis killed Jews, homosexuals, the infirmed, the elderly, and others not because of the terroristic tendencies but because they were in the way and would not capitulate! Radical Muslims are terrorists! Their Muslim Sharia laws allow them to lie, cheat, steal, kill, and put into bondage any non-Muslims they choose. My last note on this is to absolutely never trust any Muslim ever!



Tolerance for the Intolerant?

North Carolina has decided to allow Christian businesses, and organizations to decide for their selves whether to deny or allow LGBT communities to utilize their services. Of course the LGBT community is whining that the Christian businesses, and communities are so intolerant of them, etc. wahhh, wahhh, wahhh. Now for the LGBT burn.

The entertainment community, LGBT communities, and others are not tolerant of the religious organizations right to freedom of religion (a centuries old constitutional right). Its ok for them to boycott and cancel events based on their beliefs, but Christian businesses and organizations can’t because of theirs? I think their fans that bought tickets to their cancelled events should sue them for millions of dollars so they can feel the insanity of this line of thinking first hand.

The LGBT community is not happy dragging themselves to hell (in my Christian opinion). No, they want everyone having faith in God to join them there. I don’t see them pulling this crap with Muslim organizations, because they would be killed for it, and our idiot government would find a way to make the killing somehow justifiable!

It’s time to say it out loud! Christians are being oppressed by our government, Muslims, and a multitude of others. Because Christians are non-violent for the most part, these oppressors know they can get away with the indignant treatment of us. Satan’s got a serious grip on these people. It is written in the Bible that Christians worldwide would be oppressed and killed for believing in our Savior Jesus during the “end times”. I don’t know whether to take up the gun, or take up the cross to defend my beliefs. I’ll defend my family and loved ones with whatever means I have (as it’s written in the Bible). As far as my personal self-defense, I’ll take up the cross because I’m a Christian. I pity foolish people who don’t know the salvation that is in Christ Jesus. North Carolina is only doing what the people of that state want to do. If others don’t like it don’t go there.



Knife Jugglers From Hell

Mojtaba-Zonnour     Diego Garcia is an atoll some 1,000 nautical miles off the southern tip of India, and is part of the United Kingdom. It is part of the islands of the British Indian Ocean Territory. The U.S. Navy operates a support base, military air base, and space-tracking facility there. The British government operates their own classified facilities there as well.

An Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) adviser Mojtaba Zonnour  (pictured at left) who is a senior official, was quoted for the record as saying “In the event of an irrational attack by the U.S., America’s military bases will not be safe from our missiles, whether in Bahrain or at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean”. This was quoted during a visit to Switzerland which entailed meetings to finalize a nuclear deal with the west. If Iran really can hit Diego Garcia with its ballistic missiles, it means they have an unconfirmed range in excess of 3,000 nautical miles. This is within the realm of possibility. What is his definition of “irrational attack”? I think it’s the same as their definition of terrorism.


Courtesy Google Maps

From the time I first went into the service until the last days before my retirement Iran has been a thorn in our nations side. They are terrorists and relish in the deaths of our citizens. I have spent some time (too much time) in Diego Garcia on more than one occasion. It is isolated, and I don’t ever want to go back there. It is also an important operational and strategic Island for both the U.S. and U.K. If the Iranian chuckleheads and knuckleheads of state think for one second that a ballistic missile attack launched against facilities at Diego Garcia would ever actually strike it. They are wrong – it would be shot out of the sky long before getting to their target. The mere act would also lead to their swift annihilation by the U.S. and Iran’s population would be decreased by more than 60% in mere minutes.  Their entire nation would be reduced to barbarians and mutated religious fanatics scraping through a mile-high mountain of radioactive corpses to gather up a meal.  They truly are egotistical terrorists having a serious inferiority complex. They are, in fact, idiots. Iran is going to step on us one too many times and it’s going to be their destruction – by the U.S. or Israel, or both. Even the best side-show knife jugglers get cut eventually. Keep juggling you stupid dumb-asses, you’ll get cut.