
Trump Takin’ Care Of Business

Mojtaba Zonnour

Diego Garcia is an atoll some 1,000 nautical miles off the southern tip of India, and is part of the United Kingdom. It is part of the islands of the British Indian Ocean Territory. The U.S. Navy operates a support base, military air base, and space-tracking facility there. The British government operates their own classified facilities there as well.

In June, 2014 An Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) adviser Mojtaba Zonnour who is a senior official, was quoted for the record as saying “In the event of an irrational attack by the U.S., America’s military bases will not be safe from our missiles, whether in Bahrain or at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean”. This was quoted during a visit to Switzerland which entailed meetings to finalize a nuclear deal with the west. If Iran really can hit Diego Garcia with its ballistic missiles, it means they have an unconfirmed range in excess of 3,000 nautical miles. This is within the realm of possibility. What is his definition of “irrational attack”? I think it’s the same as their definition of terrorism.

I have spent some time (too much time) in Diego Garcia on more than one occasion. It is isolated, and I don’t want to go back there. It is also an important operational and strategic Island for both the U.S. and U.K. If the Iranian chuckleheads and knuckleheads of state think for one second that a ballistic missile attack launched against facilities at Diego Garcia would ever actually strike it. They are wrong – it would be shot out of the sky long before getting to their target. The mere act would also lead to their swift annihilation by the U.S. and Iran’s population would be decreased by more than 60% in mere minutes.  Their entire nation would be reduced to barbarians and mutated religious fanatics scraping through a mile-high mountain of radioactive corpses to gather up a meal.  They truly are egotistical terrorists having a serious inferiority complex. They are, in fact, theocratic idiots. Iran is going to step on us one too many times and it’s going to be their destruction – by the U.S. or Israel, or both. Even the best side-show knife jugglers get cut eventually. Keep juggling you stupid dumb-asses, we will cut you… and we’ll do it publicly. Since this verbal sword slashing we got Benghazi, several Iranian kidnappings and extortion attempts, drone shoot-downs, and oil tanker seizures. Trump warned Iran that if they kill an American there will be swift reprisal from the US. They killed a civilian contractor several months ago. The US took swift and precise action against Iran by killing a top terrorist general Qassem Suleimani. Iran fired missiles at an Iraqi joint military base on two separate occasions, injuring several US military members (no American deaths). Then, because of their fear and hatred for the US they shot down one of Ukraine’s passenger jetliners, killing 176. They first said it was mechanical, then said they shot it down with a missile by accident. The key word here is FEAR. Iran is in fear of President Trump. He does not back down, and he is not an appeaser. He cares about the US Constitution, the American people, and won’t be bullied by Iran or the deep state.

Who was Qassem Suleimani?

1981 During the Iran – Iraq War

Suleimani was a 4th Generation Warfare Expert: He was an Instigator, Manipulator, Exploiter, Bomb Designer, and Terrorist General of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Force. He mastered Asymmetric Warfare, Lawfare, Propaganda, Information Warfare, and Counterintelligence. He was a dangerous man, and the US could have and should have killed him decades ago.

In Lebanon, in the 1980’s when I was returning to the military after a 9 month hiatus, I was in a briefing (waiting for my orders to deploy to Southeast Asia) where the name Suleimani was mentioned as a terrorist trainer and Shi’ite militia organizer for the Hezbollah to fight a proxy war against Israel. I was introduced to the term “Asymmetric Warfare”.

Suleimani even went against his own principals of not helping Sunni’s by giving money to the Palestinian’s Hamas to be able to make trouble for Israel, and the US through propaganda, and Lawfare.

In Iraq Suleimani sponsored the Shi’ite PM Nuri al-Maliki in a satellite proxy war with the US and Israel. He even tried to manipulate the US into helping us fight the ISIS Sunni’s (Obama the moron was going to help him!). Suleimani supported this proxy war through small arms, and specialized training covering IED’s like roadside bombs.

In Syria Suleimani was the driving force behind the Iranian support given to dictator Bashar al-Assad. The support was because Bashar supports Hezbollah in Lebanon, and also because Bashar wants to eradicate the Sunni rebels that want him out of power. The Suleimani support was in the form of missiles, other armaments, and specialized training in bomb-making.

In Libya Suleimani used the Quds Force, and provided support and money to the Ansar al-Sharia terrorist group in the Benghazi Embassy attack that murdered US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and several military security team members. Hillary Clinton allegedly knew it was going to happen and did nothing to support the embassy staff, or reinforce the Consulate with the Seal Team deployed only 5 kilometers away. Then she tried to cover it up.

In 2011 Suleimani tried to hire Mexican Drug cartels to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in Washington D.C. using a IED car bomb. This attempt was stopped by our Justice Dept. He attempted to commit terrorist acts on American soil several times as a way to take jabs at Saudi Arabia because of their long-time feud. 

Who Is Esmail Ghaani

Ghaani is a 4th Generation Warfare Expert too: He has been, and is an Instigator in Pakistan and Afghanistan, A Manipulator of Dark Financing, Exploiter of Banking, and the new Terrorist General of Iran Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Force after the US terminated Suleymani. Ghaani once said of Suleimani’s and himself, “We are children of war, we are comrades on the battlefield and we have become friends in battle.”

Esmail Ghaani’s Short Biography

  • Born Aug. 8, 1957, in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad
  • He volunteered for the Revolutionary Guard a year after the 1979 revolution.
  • He helped to put down the Kurdish rebellion in Iran that followed the shah’s ouster.
  • He fought in Iran’s 8 year war with Iraq throughout the 1980s
  • He joined the Revolutionary Guard’s “Quds Force” shortly after its creation.
  • He worked with Suleimani and led counterintelligence efforts with the Quds.
  • His job was to generate division and unrest to eastern countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan while controlling all the clandestine financial disbursements to Iran’s terrorist affiliates.
  • He did this while Suleimani generated division and unrest to the western countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, and Libya.
  • He is a prime target for termination because he is listed as a terrorist by the USDHS.

We wish you a long and merciless termination you terrorist asshole goat-fucker. May the fleas of a thousand camels bury themselves under your skin. May the heat of sun destroy your mind, and dry your precious Quds Force to dust. May your family morn for you in desolated poverty. And finally, may your theocratic Iranian nation be turned to atomic glass. LIVE BY THE SWORD,… DIE BY THE SWORD!

Oh,… and have a nice day.


ANTIFA (The Fascist, Anti-Fascist Terrorist Group)

What is Fascism?

1922, originally used in English 1920 in its Italian form, fascism is a system of government that flourished in Europe from the 1920s to the end of World War II. Germany under Adolf Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Spain under Franco were all fascist states.

 Mirriam-Webster defines Fascism as: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Benito Mussolini (the founder of Fascism), originally defined Fascism as: a 3-Principled, philosophical system of government:

1.“Everything in the state”. The Government is supreme and the country is all-encompassing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body, often a dictator.
2.“Nothing outside the state”. The country must grow and the implied goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, and have every human submit to the government.
3.“Nothing against the state”. Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong. If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens.
The use of militarism was implied only as a means to accomplish one of the three above principles, mainly to keep the people and rest of the world in line. Fascist countries are known for their harmony and lack of internal strife. There are no conflicting parties or elections in fascist countries.

Google has redefined the word Fascism. If you type the word into Google, the definition they provide is quite different. The world’s largest search engine pins fascism on the political right, not the left.

Google defines fascism as, “an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.” (emphasis added)

The secondary definition is, “(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.”

That’s a striking difference from how the word has been defined for the 9 decades since Mussolini. Google is a liberal, socialist entity known for pushing their agenda onto the populous. This is why they redefine any non-google point of view if they can get away with it. I say use and abuse their search engine, hide your tracks, and block their ads. Screw them!


What is Antifa?

The Antifa movement is a political movement of autonomous, self-styled anti-fascist groups. The salient feature of Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism by direct action. They are known for their militant protest tactics, including property damage and physical violence. They tend to be anti-government and anti-capitalist, and they are predominantly far left and militant left, including anarchists, communists and socialists. They focus on fighting far-right and white supremacist ideologies directly, rather than on encouraging pro-left policy.

In August 2017, a petition requesting that Antifa be classified by the Pentagon as a terrorist organization was launched on the White House petitioning system We the People. It gathered more than 100,000 signatures in three days, and therefore under policy set by the Obama administration would have received an official review and response from the White House; at over 300,000 signatures, by late August it was the third most-signed submission posted. However, the precedent set by the Obama administration of issuing formal responses to petitions which exceed the 100,000 signature threshold has not been continued by the Trump administration, which has not responded to any petitions on the site. The originator of the Antifa petition, who goes by the pseudonym Microchip, remarked to Politico that getting conservatives to share and discuss the petition was the entire point, rather than prompting any concrete action by the government.

According to the Urban Dictionary they are: Middle-class champagne socialist/communist/anarchist white boys who don’t like nationalists, capitalists, or fascists. They consider themselves to be rebelling against the establishment, whilst upholding all of its ultra-politically correct views. They are considered a terrorist group generally made up of degenerate anarchy loving teenagers, similar to that of the ARA, who hate anyone that is a racist/nationalist/”Nazi”/etc., however, Antifa only dislikes racism when its carried out by whites, and they do not have the intestinal fortitude to stand up against anti-white racism; leading to many people on the right to refer to them as ‘race traitors’. They believe their tactics are for the greater good, but have pretty much ran out of Nazis to chase after so they take it out on anyone else. They beat people up using mace, batons, boots, brass knuckles and anything else at their disposal. They are known cowards, will gang up on you, and only attack in groups. If you see a lone Antifa they have fear on their face.

What Should Be Done About Them?

In Germany, Italy, and Spain they were shot by the citizenry, and left for dead as a sign to the rest of them. It worked well. I think that Antifa is a liberally-backed group that needs to taste the wrath of their opposing citizens. I feel the same about BLM as well. I’m not opposed to literally going to war with them and using deadly force on them because they are the enemy, and they are committing violence against innocent legal residents. They are violent socialist’s that follow the “pied piper” no matter the music. If our country is to be free of these violent types we must be more assertive and violent with them. We should find out who they are, where they go to college, where they hang-out at, and where they live. I say that if they form a violent group, and hurt any legal resident of our great nation then (according to the Constitution and Bill of Rights) we can form our own group and eradicate them with lethal force. After all,… they want a war with us don’t they? Let’s give it to them. Conservatives can easily out-gun them and we have the military training to do it. They won’t graduate from their socialist college. No, they’ll die. On November 4th (the day they want to rise up using violence against us) we should all have our weapons locked and loaded. When they start it we need to finish as many of them as possible, as quick as possible, retreat into the background, and act as though we don’t know anything. It’s what they do. Let’s do it to them once and for all! If the BLM joins them, then we’ll take care of them too. Fuck Antifa, the BLM, and George Soros. I hope they all die on the 4th of November. Then we won’t have to worry about them anymore. Let’s roll!

Thanks, … Mr. Sober


Drexel University’s Racist Propagandist

While scrolling through my post-Christmas news this morning I read the story about a Drexel University associate professor’s white genocide comments that sparked the public’s ire, and led to Drexel University officials publicly condemning the tweet.

The associate professor, George Ciccariello-Maher, tweeted “all I want for Christmas is white genocide”. The university issued this statement on Christmas day “Drexel became aware today of Associate Professor George Ciccariello-Maher’s inflammatory tweet, which was posted on his personal Twitter account on Dec. 24, 2016,” reads the statement from Drexel University officials. “While the university recognizes the right of its faculty to freely express their thoughts and opinions in public debate, Professor Ciccariello-Maher’s comments are utterly reprehensible, deeply disturbing, and do not in any way reflect the values of the university. The university is taking this situation very seriously. We contacted Ciccariello-Maher today to arrange a meeting to discuss this matter in detail.” Ciccariello-Maher followed up with the tweet: “To clarify: when the whites were massacre during the Haitian revolution, that was a good thing indeed,”

Ciccariello-Maher is an associate professor specializing in social movements, racism, prisons, law enforcement in the U.S. and particularly in Latin America. According to email correspondence with him from Inside Higher Ed, Ciccariello-Maher claimed the tweets were “satirical”, and commented that he received hundreds of death threats.

He went on to claim it as an imagery concept about white supremacists, and that we need to do our research. He added in further statements that the statement by Drexel University was “chilling” and “While upholding my right to free expression, the statement refers to my (satirical) tweets as ‘utterly reprehensible,” he said.” On the university level, moreover, this statement — despite a tepid defense of free speech — sends a chilling message and sets a frightening precedent. It exposes untenured and temporary faculty not only to internal disciplinary scrutiny, but equally importantly, it encourages harassment as an effective means to impact university policies.”

The associate professors twitter account has been set to private and his poison can no longer be viewed. I have done my research Ciccariello-Maher, and you are a liar in the first degree! Ciccariello-Maher, you are the racist, you are the instigator to public turmoil in our U.S. society. If you don’t like white people (and it’s wholly obvious you don’t) then stop making your living teaching them your racism! Go to your beloved Latin American failed countries and promote your hate there. You’re unbridled “gas-bag” rhetoric is what is wrong with our higher education system! You condemn white people for speaking their opinion, but you think you should be able to call for, and wish for white genocide and expect your hatred and caustic speech to be protected! You are nothing more than an educated associate professor promoting racism, bigotry, racial genocide, killing, and hatred. Research genocide gas-bag, it means killing, and that’s what you promoted by that tweet. If any white people are murdered because of the statements you made you can be prosecuted and imprisoned! Research that! You cannot instigate murder (genocide) without repercussions.

You say you have received hundreds of death threats? I don’t believe you! Because you are one of the progressive-liberal minded educators, you have adopted the tactic of deception, and deceit to promote your hate. Your claims of death threats are likely “fake news”, and you know it. The real tax paying, family-minded, conservative white people do not believe the lies anymore! We became aware of these liberal and progressive tactics 3 years ago. In your twisted mind you think that only white people can be racists. This is because racists have educated and brainwashed you. You twist your historical facts based on opinions you have learned through your teacher’s racist lies. You closed your mind to the warmth of love and racial equality early in your childhood, supplanting it with the poisonous seeds of your racist teachers, and forming your own racism. You are like Barack Obama in that way,… a trained and learned racist.

After tweeting your caustic words you actually think that Drexel University should not have the power to discipline you! More of that liberal progressive thinking! You work for them at their pleasure fool! I hope they terminate your position with them. I hope your students turn their back to you in class. Here is Drexel Universities Social Media Policy (I did the research, maybe you should have). I hate the fact that a tenured professor can spew anything he wants with no fallout. Tenures should be done away with as well. You are the worst kind of racist because you actually believe the racism that you promote against whites is justifiable!

I hope that any offended parties sue you and bankrupt you into obscurity! George Ciccariello-Maher, you are a racist, a hater, and you suck! You should just crawl into your hole with the other hater liberal-progressives!

NEW INFORMATION: 12/27/2016 —  Now Ciccariello-Maher has given his rebuttal to the criticism by the public of his racist statements,… and what do you think it is? He says the white critics are racists! Exactly like I said he would! I knew he would blame his critics for his statement as if we were flapping his racist jaws for him! George Ciccariello-Maher you are not an academic in any viable discipline,… no, you are merely a cowering little professor of racism in that you profess your own racism. Then you twist criticism against you as racist. Your like a little baby shaking a ring of plastic keys, throwing them on the floor expecting mommy to pick them up and give them back to you. Your not a baby, and you don’t get your keys back, racist!


Sniveling Liberals Stopping Free Speech

Was it not the democrats, the liberals, and the socialists that said that ALL U.S. Citizens must have the right to assemble, and to demonstrate, and to exercise free speech? Then why do they CONSISTENTLY oppose the rights of ALL others outside their ideology the very same rights. Why do they CONSISTENTLY embrace violence as a method to impose their ideologies upon those that do not want their form of thinking? Why do they CONSISTENTLY impose their will upon ALL peoples of our country? Is it because their pedophile, lying, cheating, murdering, traitorous nominee did not get elected? Is it because they are paid activists? Is it because they are brainwashed in the stupidity that is the liberal, democratic agenda?

Yes to all of these and more! These violent protestors, and thugs should have the same violence applied to them that they apply to the rest of us! They are the enemy of the state. They are the cancer in our country. They are what is  killing our nation. They are the Anti-United States of America. They must be stopped. Find them in their homes. Find them in their apartments. Find them in their pubs and bars. Find them especially where they congregate. Go to them in crowds and get in their face like they do to us! Assemble and protest everything they do! Exercise your second amendment rights if you need to protect yourselves from being accosted by them. Put them in their Anti-U.S. place. The Democratic Party represents tyranny! The Democratic Party’s time is over!

Join together against the democratic liberal socialists and fight! Show them who we are! Amass all we can to step on them! Crush their spirit! TAKE THE FIGHT TO THEM!!! They have George Soros (a foreigner) to bankroll them, so we must assemble against all of them and use our representative republic, our conservatism, and our constitutional mandate to ensure our place in our society! DO NOT LET THEIR METHODS WIN OUT! Prosecute them and take away their money! We can use their 180 degree methods against them (when they say yes they are really saying no, etc.). We are on the precipice of change! Let us turn back the irrationality of liberal, socialist thinking. The Supreme Power has blessed our  endeavors, but we must do the footwork. Let us join hands and change our nation back to our Constitutional way of governance. The way it was before the democrats and liberal thinkers hijacked it. A Representative Republic By the People, and for the People,… ALL People! WATCH THIS VIDEO!


Misunderstood Rebel Flag

I did a little research on the “Rebel Flag” image and text at left because someone I know forwarded it to me to get my take on it. It originally came to the web from mingle2.com on 05/01/2016 at 11:49am by a 73 year old retired guy with the handle conrad_73. He now lives in Zurich. Here is the text on the image of the flag at left: “The rebel flag was the flag of the Confederate States of America. A lot of people are offended by rebel flags because they believe they symbolize racism. Quite the contrary, rebel flags are not racist. The Civil War erupted over states’ rights, not slavery. The south was mostly people in favor of states’ rights and the north was mostly people who wanted the national government to have more power over the states. Please, learn your history before you judge. History may repeat itself…”

The image text is 100% incorrect and was probably put on the “web” by conrad_73 because he was trying to push for the cause of preserving the rebel flag emblem for other reasons (protectionism). In fact the flag was the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia, and was the Confederate States of America’s Navy Jack. As an example of what a Navy Jack is the U.S. Navy Jack is our national flags stars on blue background (from our flag), but without the red and white stripes. The so called “Rebel Flag” was the same. The Navy Jack flag is flown from a flagstaff on the bow of all active duty and reserve U.S. Navy ships. It can be seen today on all U.S. Naval vessels when in port. So, to say that it was the “flag” of the Confederate States of America is not true. That flag was called the “Stars and Bars” and does not even resemble the rebel flag.

Now as far as the philosophy behind the rebel flag, that’s also incorrect. The Civil War did, in fact happen, due in part to Abraham Lincoln’s campaign for the presidency on the platform of banning slavery in all U.S. Territories (34 at the time). The 11 southern “slave states” saw this as the first step of abolishment of slavery. Other Civil War causes were; “sectionalism” due to different economies, social constructs, and political values; “protectionism” due to manual slave labor being cheap and economically beneficial to the southern states; “states’ rights” due to the interpretation by some southern states that the constitution allowed states to succeed from the union but James Buchannan argued that the founding fathers formed the union based on a perpetual union and not a temporary one. 7 of the southern states voted to succeed from the union, eventually including 11 southern states, this ushered in the attack on Ft. Sumter (a U.S. Military Installation). This was the impetus to the American Civil War.

Since the 1970’s the Rebel Flag has been hijacked by most white supremacist groups as a symbol of white power. The KKK, Aryan Nation, and Skinhead Subculture’s all embrace the Rebel Flag equally with the Nazi swastika as their symbol of white supremacy. Unfortunately the Americans that embrace it as a statement of independence in thought and action have allowed this hijacking to take place. As of this writing approximately 72% of American people now view it as a symbol of racism although 28% do not. That being said, it is considered a symbol of racism. The Black Lives Matter Terrorist group has caused, through “Lawfare”, the wholesale disenfranchisement of many American’s cherished symbols because they are so self-centered in their radical agenda of black supremacy. So, as we can see, they are committing the very crime they propagandize that others are committing (a long-standing Democratic Party tactic).

As a follow-up note it should be stated that the Democratic Party voted 100% in favor of slavery, and the Democratic Party was the party of all 11 southern states in favor of succeeding from the union. The Democratic Party promises much to minority black citizens, but only delivers just enough to them to keep them wanting more. In this way the Democratic Party can always rely on them for a vote to get a few more promises. Republicans have ALWAYS been against slavery and special rights for ANYONE. The record of party voting throughout our nation’s history is also a fact, but racist liberals refuse to acknowledge it. Why do you think they never bring up voting histories when campaigning for office? It would expose the racist in them all. The Democratic Party was corrupt then, and is corrupt now. Extremism in anything is caustic to all American relations, all the time, and just because your offended by something doesn’t make it right. Lighten-up and stop being such jack asses!

National Sovereignty of a country is paramount before personal ethnic identity because without it we all become slaves to the elite few, and eventually a single world government, religion, and economy.

Thanks; boats


Black Lives Matter – A Terrorist Group (PART 2)

Here we are again one month after I wrote the first article about the Black Lives Matter Terrorist Organization. Now a cop wearing a body camera (body cameras are used by Milwaukee PD now at the request of BLM) was chasing a fleeing suspect (a known felon) and shot him twice in “center mass” hitting him in the chest and arm, killing him. I thank the officer for sweeping the garbage off the street and keeping us safe! The Black Lives Matter Terrorist Organization (BLMTO) has again caused great mayhem in the streets. This time in Milwaukee, and this time the burning, looting and general terrorism is again blamed on the police. You might ask the question; why don’t they burn down the police precinct stations? Because then the police can kill them in defense of the cities law enforcement infrastructure. Then they couldn’t get free TV’s and free cloths, and other stolen items from looting. They couldn’t act like primate animals. They couldn’t get sympathy from the political left for their fictitious cause to buy votes for the democrats.

It’s time they are put in their place. It’s time the National Guard was allowed to use deadly force against those inciting, and taking part in these riots and looting. The FBI is on the side of the left and can no longer be trusted to help in these matters. They cannot follow their original mission as was put forth by J. E. Hoover. This was demonstrated by their failure to indict Hillary Clinton for her national security breaches even after they admitted she was guilty! It’s time that our Homeland Security takes this matter up, and target these BLMTO members, organizers, and participants for indictment, trial, and imprisonment or execution.

If our government does not get a grip on this issue and quell it by force, the American People will turn into vigilante’s, and do it their selves! Then the government will have a serious shit storm to deal with.

Every white person I’ve talked to about this is absolutely sick and tired of the news media fabricating the story, or bending the facts to agree with the BLMTO. They should all have their broadcasting licenses suspended by the FCC, and those in charge prosecuted as terrorist sympathizers. They would sell their souls for a story, any story, and damn the consequences.

The white people I talked to also believe that black people are the most racist, self-serving, selfish cowards that they know of. They are starting to literally hate them, and all they stand for. There are very good black people that I know personally, but not one of them will stand up and denounce what the BLMTO is doing. They are also part of the problem and they, unfortunately, will be served the same justice served to the others in the BLMTO.

I blame Obama and his media monkeys for all that has happened between blacks and whites in the last 8 years. Through his failure as a leader and his failed promise of equality he actually has accomplished the opposite. His administration has fostered the worst 8 year stretch of community disorder and violence in American History. He has alienated blacks against whites, and whites against blacks.

Many of the issues with the law enforcement can only be blamed on themselves. Their law enforcement unions protect the guilty officers from prosecution, and their internal affairs display complete failure to “keep their own house in order” to the public. They really, seriously, absolutely need to pull their heads out of their asses, and get their house in order or community support for them will be non-existent, and they will be rendered impotent by their city administrators.



Black Lives Matter – A Terrorist Group

I promised you all that I would be writing a three-part story about 4th Generation Warfare, but this Op-ed is important, and must be published. It is in keeping with the 4GW storyline as well as the spirit of what terrorists and government tolerated racism does to our communities. So here we go.

The horrific events that took place in Dallas, Texas on Thursday, July 7th, 2016 can only be described as senseless racism from an individual supported by the Black Lives Matter group. It can now be said, and confirmed beyond a doubt that the Black Lives Matter group is a terrorist organization. They should be on the DHS’s Terrorist Watch List. What Micah Johnson did on behalf of the BLM group in Dallas, TX was a racist hate crime, a terrorist act against police, and is inciting riotous behavior in the U.S. Those five brave, selfless police officers should have a memorial built in their honor.

The BLM group has contributed to the disenfranchisement of white people. White people are now beginning to rally to the cause of their obvious oppression. They now feel the danger of disregarding the actions of the black racists around them. White people have tolerated oppressive behavior from black people for over 40 years now. Black Lives Matter, Black Panthers, and all sub-cultures spawned from Malcom X’s Nation of Islam are as racist, if not more racist, than any of the KKK, or Aryan Brotherhood. I’ve never met a “good” racist (black or white), but I’ve met a lot of people that hide their racism very well. They always show it to me when they try to get my sympathy to the “black cause racist lie” or “white purity racist lie”. They are racist’s one and all, and there is no place in my life for them! I’m a Christian and as it says in the Bible I will protect my family. I will not allow oppressors of any race to hurt my family. I will use whatever means I have at my disposal to defend my family. I was well trained for 20 years in the military, and continue to stay proficient with my skills and weapons. Heed me racists! You really don’t want to mess with me.

91% of violent crime is committed by non-white people in the U.S. based on reliable, non-government, independent data from around the world. Most violent crime against white people in the U.S. is committed by non-white people. Most violent crime against non-white people in the U.S. is committed by, again non-white people. I believe that white people are going to start violent retaliations against black people because of the black racist oppression against them. Black racist organizations are ruining our communities with drugs, violence, gang warfare, sex crimes, and finally now racial terrorism. Black communities are now considered an enemy of most police institutions and not just because of Dallas. Friday, the day after the Dallas terrorist incident, a black driver was pulled over by a white police officer in Ballwin, MO. The officer was going to cite him for speeding (because he was speeding). As the officer walked back to his cruiser the man got out of his car and fired three shots, hitting the officer in the back of the neck. According to news sources this was an ambush. The officer is in critical condition as of this writing. The perpetrator, a known racist, and a felon, was later apprehended with a stolen gun. I never heard this story on national news, why? This is not just racist violence against police it’s against whites! This is a kettle about to boil over. There are storm clouds on the horizon folks, if you can’t see them you’re blind!

The liberal news media, together with President Obama have fostered this attitude, and violent behavior through their racist opinions and attitudes. Obama is by far the absolute worst racist, anti-white public figure I know of. Other countries see him for the racist communist he is, and some hate him for it. He should be ashamed of himself, his wife, and his children too. His administration has fostered the worst 8 year stretch of community disorder and violence in American History. He has alienated blacks against whites, and whites against blacks. The Democratic Party is standing right next to him as well because they only blame guns and not liberal policy actions. He has caused the white American population to hoard guns and ammunition because they are in fear of an eminent race war, and rightly so. The gun ranges are full of white gun enthusiasts practicing their shooting proficiency to razor keenness. Even their children are practicing! Black people rally because they want a free phone, free housing, free transportation, and full disability for life even when not disabled (then they want a high-paying job too). They want the police to condone their illegal behavior and even protect it. They don’t want them to raid their drug pushing, black-market sales, prostitution rings, or gang violence. They want cops around only when it’s beneficial for them, but not for anything else. Whenever they violate the law they feel they should be allowed to get away with crime because they are black. Most of them refuse to assist the police in solving crime because of their “black code of silence”.

The real facts are that most white people are sick of supporting violence through 43 years of government funded racist affirmative action. Most white people are sick of supporting the right to express the black viewpoints, when whites are denied the right to do the same. Most white people are sick of the black violence towards honest, hardworking people as well as our police who protect us. Most white people are, by social nature, slow to anger, however when they must protect their community from the sickness of racist oppression I’m sure they will not hesitate to cut the black cancer from the community to protect their families. I think that black racists crossed the line in Dallas. Life will be different from now on out. The governor in each state in these United States has the right to declare martial law. The president can, but has only done so once during the civil war. If black communities are smart they’ll be worried about police and concerned citizen’s actions against their families. I believe the black racist violence will foster vigilantism from the white population bringing about state-wide martial law in affected regions. If not, then many blacks will likely be collateral damage in this cancer removal operation. Black racists brought this to their front door because they took it to whites. Like your black racist preacher Jerimiah Wright said about the chickens, when the black chickens come home to roost I fear that it will be just like in the grocery store,…in bags.




I’m addressing this post to idiot progressives and those that sympathize with them. I hope when all you protesters against Trump want your own voice the conservatives stop you like you are doing to Trump. Whenever you progressive idiots want to speak you demand to be heard. The first amendment only applies to your kind. Whenever you want free benefits it only applies to you. In my opinion you freeloaders and Trump haters are the problem and should be put in prison for violating Trumps rights, and the rights of the people to hear what they want. As part of your penalty you should have ALL your free welfare benefits, phones, health, and disability benefits taken away forever.

You progressives constantly mandate that your rights to free speech not be curtailed, but with the same racist rhetoric you quell everyone else who disagrees with your demands, or wants to have their demands heard. I think it’s time for conservatives to start carrying and using their second amendment rights! We should start protecting our right of free easement, travel, and speech wherever we want in our country. We need to stand up and hurt you the way you hurt us! We need to defend our rights, and the rights of conservatives that cannot protect themselves. WE are the ones that pay ALL the bills. We need to stop paying the bills, and start forcing YOU to work for your freeloading benefits. You want food freeloader? Work for it by digging ditches, fixing roads, and working on the jobs nobody else wants to do. You don’t work, you don’t eat! The reason that you protesting freeloaders have so much time to protest is because YOU DON’T WORK! Get a job and shut your mouths! The working class doesn’t need you here so leave! You ignorant people have ingrained in me a hatred for you that will never be stifled. I know you will never try to step on me because you know I will step on you with such great vengeance that you will immediately know you made a mistake. I’m not alone in my thoughts either!

As for you sickening professional protesters you don’t even believe in what you do. You are a bunch of money grubbing smelly swine stirring up a civil war in our country. You’re not worthy of food, water, medicine, or family. I hope your own children alienate you because you’re too old for them.

Your entire progressive movement is causing a war in our country. You are uneducated idiots that can’t see from one minute to the next, or think from one minute to the next without a progressive elite telling you what to believe, say, or do! The progressive elitists tell you to kill your children through their impractical ideology like abortion and you can’t comply fast enough because your free benefits are at stake. I have no respect at all for your class of human being. You drain the very life from everything you touch in this country, and world. You hate faith-based groups because they speak of love while you embody hate and racism even though the vast majority of you are minorities. Our blue collar hatred for you all is ripe. You will see that you have made a mistake with our freedoms. If a civil war happens G. Soros can supply your body bags… he’s the one bankrolling most of you and the protesters anyway.


Neighborhood Diversity or Forced Freeloading

diversity2THIS IS A RE-POST BECAUSE THE OLD ONE WAS REMOVED BY THE GOVERNMENT AFTER THE FERGUSON, MO RIOTS (don’t say you didn’t do it “uncle sam”, I know you did) SO HERE IT IS AGAIN: Today let’s talk about community and neighborhood diversity. The community, or town that I live in is not a “high income family” community, but does have some upper income families that are doctors, lawyers, judges, entrepreneur’s, and the like. Those families live in high-end or “gated” neighborhoods in our town. Their homes are expensive; too expensive for my modest income. I don’t live in their neighborhoods because I simply cannot afford to. I live in a neighborhood that is diverse in regards to race, ethnicity, and lifestyle. We all work hard for a living, and appreciate what we work for.

As with any controversial idea Obama has, he must use Executive Authority to make it happen. This is because if taken to vote in a proposed bill it would fail the vote. Our socialist POTUS Obama seems to think that if he gives his low-income, and minority brothers and sisters a tax and income incentive in the name of diversity they will be able to move into these high-end neighborhoods. He might even think that they would be able to move into a middle-class neighborhood like the one I live in.

As with ALL of Obama’s ideas this one is also manifested out of ignorance. This is because he has never had to truly live, or work in the “real world”, and make a real living. There are economic factors, social factors, and infrastructural factors to consider here. A person can be move from the ghetto to a nice neighborhood but that doesn’t mean they can afford to stay there. If they are already living in subsidized housing, then how can they possibly afford to live in higher-cost housing? This simply doesn’t make any sense.

First let’s discuss the economic factors. If the government gave me a subsidy to live in a high-end neighborhood I still would not be able to afford the taxes, maintenance, the upkeep of the property, or the neighborhood association fees that the neighborhood has.

Second let’s discuss the social factors. Let’s say the government gives me a tax break for the property, pays my association fees, and even pays my maintenance costs in part. This would absolutely create an atmosphere of animosity from those that are not a minority or low-income because they must pay the full cost of living in the neighborhood. Wars have been fought over less trivial matters.

Third let’s talk about the infrastructure. If some are getting a tax incentive to live there then who is paying for the roads, bridges, schools, ambulance services, and law enforcement? Eventually these things will suffer in large part because the revenue needed to support them would not be there. If we think that the federal or state governments are going to support the diversification effort that much we must be stoned. That would cost multiple trillions of dollars. It’s not going to happen. This only leaves; again, those that get no subsidy, those that pay the full cost of living in the higher-cost neighborhood. They must take on the burden of infrastructural upkeep. This again makes for unhappy neighbors. Nobody likes a freeloader.

The ignorant POTUS never thinks anything through thoroughly. He hears a really cool socialist idea, and immediately thinks it will work. Nothing he has ever done while in any office of government has EVER worked! What a crappy track record! I’m so glad he’s on his way out of the white house door! He is, by far the absolute worst POTUS we have EVER had!

Have a nice day.