
Dealing With The Devil

obama-angry     Bergdahl was a deserter, and enemy sympathizer. He walked away from his post with complete knowledge of the consequences that could befall him. He badmouthed the United States, and the American people in writing on more than one occasion. He was a Taliban sympathizer. Five brave men lost their lives trying to rescue this pile of dung.

Our federal government and the presidential advisors knew all of this and informed the president before they bypassed congress and violated the law. For our president to unlawfully surrender 5 of the most villainous terrorists at GITMO to the Afghan Taliban via Qatar for someone such as Bergdahl without congressional approval or notification is without precedent. The president is a traitor, and anyone with half a brain can see it from his many “dictator-type” acts since becoming our president.

For our Judicial and Legislative branches of government to turn a blind eye to his repeated treasonous acts is also without precedent. They should have impeached and tried him for treason three years ago. He must be held completely accountable for his actions as the Commander and Chief. He must be removed from the Office of President of the United States immediately. The terrorist acts that will be committed by these “Fanatical Five” he traded will be on Obama’s head and the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party members in the House and Senate are all terrorist sympathizers and should all be thoroughly investigated by the FBI. These are the many travesties Obama has committed.

In one year these 5 very dangerous terrorists will be free from Qatar to mount further attacks on our servicemen and women.  Obama and the party he leads are all traitors by their repeated actions. This man is destroying our great nation and few can see it. It is his plan to destroy us. Can we not get past our egotistical pride and prejudice, and see it? We are so foolish trusting this traitor and his party of traitorous loyalists. Any military veteran can see that he did this horrid trade to take the heat off the VA scandal. I say we use both scandals and oust all the Democrats and liberals from our government. Prosecute them for war crimes, and then imprison them all. We’ve had enough liberalism in our government. It’s time we surgically remove this cancer from our government, and nation.

Obama wants to start a civil war within our country and is methodically causing this to happen state by state, and county by county. He has a standing army of heavily armed law enforcement, and all the security agencies in our country helping him make it happen. His evil eyes and ears are on everything we citizens do thanks to the power of “Executive Order”, and our technologically superior “national security machine”. He is the 21st century Hitler as any reasonable person can plainly see. My question is why does this evil man hate us so much? What is his ultimate agenda? I think he is a race baiter, and race hater. He longs for a race and class division in our nation at any cost. He is truly an evil man. He deals with the devil because they are one-in-the-same. He is the devil.