The reasoning and hugs for terrorist and riot thugs does not seem to be working.
Not when the Obama administration sends aid, comfort and arms to terrorist in the middle east. And the near cheer leading of the rioting and looting from Obama and his chief thugs. Eric Holder, Al Sharpton condone the Black Panthers involvement out right calling for burning Ferguson down. Calling for peaceful demonstration while handing out ball bats, crow bars and fire bombs.
We have the Missouri National Guard held back so the Governor Nixon would not look heavy handed against those who riot. Chose rather to hold them back while the city was burned and looted. Rumor has it was another Obama stand down order. (rumor from Lt Gov. Kinder)
So much can be said about all of this going on in Ferguson, Mo. . I do have some questions.
1. Why wasn’t the National Guard and law enforcement present in force before press release of Grand Jury?
2. Why wait until dark?
3. What and why the rules of engagement agreement restricting law enforcement.
Rules of engagement of the Obama administration has killed more U.S. military in Afghanistan his 6 yrs than all of Iraq and Afghanistan combined before 2008.
4. So why set them with thugs and domestic terrorist?
5. Who is keeping an eye on what the Madman and his treasonous puppets are doing in Washington, D.C. while we are not looking?
Comments and prospective welcome.