
Remembering How and Why

It has been a month since I have posted my own site.  I want to say it was writers block. But I am not a writer. I have from time to time disconnect from the madness. Almost throwing up my hands and give the ole F-it or whats the use. It seems unbelievable how fast the destruction of our great nations is happening before our eyes. Nobody seems to see, care or are so detached by choice or ignorance.

Then remembering why I am doing this. To inform and expose those actively involved with the treasonous destruction of the United States. While being smoke screened by the propaganda media’s. Their silent yet hostile take over of every aspect of our government. More shell games, smoke and mirrors that any carny. Deflecting from one issue or scandal long before it can be investigated much less justice being served. Go back as far as the campaign of Barrak Hussein O’Bama. Just a starting highlight all his history sealed by a federal judge. Only reason anyone could have gotten away with this, is we was sold off like a second hand suit. Blind sided by Progressive’s of both the Democrat and Republican parties.

How do we reverse this? The very first home page before it got wiped out. Stated we should and will start with prayer first and foremost. This I believe is the life’s blood of our existence.