Listening to the Obama speech truly shows the total hypocrisy of Obama, his administration, supporters and propaganda media.
My personal favorite was his calling for protection from the deportation of the “fruit pickers and those who make our beds”. Need only change to ” the need to protect our cotton pickers and house servants from being taken from us”. And we have the per-civil war plantation owners of the old south.
If any conservative, constitution tea party member regardless of race had made that statement. The cry of slavery would have been sounded in every corner of the Socialist Progressive Liberals nut huts. All the usual propaganda media leading the parade of Obamanite butt kisser’s.
Then there was the usual deceiving blame on the Republican Congress Control. Stating the bill sat in the house and they refused to do a “simple up or down vote”. That the republican congress was the cause of nothing being passed. Of course there was more to the bill we will never know with the dem. “we have to pass it before you can know whats in it”.
Nothing said about the 100 plus bills setting in the democrat control Senate. That Harry Reid refuse’s to even come to the floor. Jobs, security, budget and energy bills all setting in the Senate.
We don’t have to go very far back to see the blockage of bills. President Bush (jr) wasn’t perfect by any stretch, with some fault at his door. However in 2006 the democrats took control of Congress. Blocked every bill the President and republicans tried to push forward. Again jobs, security and energy. Until the sell out in 2008 just before the down turn.
Our nation is facing total financial ruin due to this administration and the fed. Who will be setting in congress when it happens to carry the blame? (go to national live debt clock to see where we have came from 10 trillion debt since 2008)
The slide of hand seems to still be working for Obama. He has us looking here for him and his pen. While behind the curtain so much is being forgotten. Healthcare rate to raise from 15 to 54% through obamacare in 2015. The IRS, NSA and EPA computer records disappearing and hearings on each. Benghazi hearings (Clinton will run) . Fast and Furious, Obama’s social security number (2) fraud and so much more his Marxist media lead us away.
Always remember that chaos is Obama, his administration and media is their mainstay. Otherwise Obama, Sharpton, Holder, Jackson wouldn’t be trying to fan Ferguson, Mo. into a national emergency. Marshal law and FEMA control regulations. (research and read) It make the hairs on back of your neck stand up. I have posted these before.
Stick our feet up the back sides of this New Congress. As well as the spineless ones we have now.
May God Bless and Guide Us With Wisdom, Strength and Courage.
Let me hear from you… Don