
Perbedaan Istilah Kampus, Universitas, Akademi, Sekolah Tinggi

Kamu tetap bingung masuk masuk Universitas https://lift-indonesia.com/ , Akademi atau senang masuk Sekolah Tinggi? Tapi, kemungkinan anda tetap bingung, emang bedanya apa ya? Yuk, kami cari memahami perbedaannya.

Biar anda gak tidak benar masuk dan sesuai bersama dengan target dari cita-cita anda tentu anda wajib memahami dulu perbedaanya. Berikut aku bakal bahas perbedaan dari Kampus, Universitas, Akademi, Sekolah Tinggi, Intitut, dan Politeknik.

  1. Universitas
    Kata kampus berasal dari bhs Latin ”universitas magistrorum et scholarium”, yang berarti “komunitas guru dan akademisi”. Universitas tersusun atas basic keseluruhan, kesatuan pengetahuan pengetahuan, dan dibagi minimal 4 golongan fakultas yang meliputi Ilmu Agama/Kerohanian, Ilmu Kebudayaan, Ilmu Sosial, Ilmu Eksakta dan Teknik. Contoh: Universitas Indonesia (negeri) dan Univesitas Trisakti (swasta) yang terdiri dari beragam macam fakultas.
  2. Akademi
    Akademi beri tambahan pendidikan dan pengajaran tinggi yang dimaksudkan kepada keahlian khusus, layaknya Akademi Kebidanan atau Akademi Militer. Yang jelas, bukan Akademi Fantasi Indosiar.
  3. Sekolah Tinggi
    Penjelasan pasal 20 ayat 1 UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 menyebutkan, “Sekolah tinggi menyelenggarakan pendidikan akademik dan/atau vokasidalam lingkup satu disiplin pengetahuan pengetahuan, teknologi, dan/atau seni dan jika mencukupi syarat sanggup menyelenggarakan pendidikan profesi”.

Sekolah Tinggi beri tambahan pendidikan dan pengajaran tinggi dan juga laksanakan penelitian di dalam satu cabang pengetahuan pengetahuan, yaa mirip-mirip lah sama universitas.

  1. Institut
    Institut, beri tambahan pendidikan dan pengajaran tinggi dan juga laksanakan penelitian di dalam beberapa cabang pengetahuan pengetahuan sejenis. Misalnya, Institut Teknologi Bandung yang seluruh cabang fakultasnya seputar Ilmu Teknik dan Eksakta.
  2. Politeknik
    Jadi, jika anda kuliah di politeknik, anda bakal lebih banyak praktek segera di bidang yang anda ambil. Ya, sama SMK lah jika untuk jenjang SMA. Universitas itu SMA dan politeknik ibaratnya SMK-nya. 🙂

Kalau di kampus tuh, semacam magang di akhir semester gitu. Nantinya, pengalaman dan pengetahuan anda bakal pengetahuan yang anda pelajari, nggak cuma sekedar teori.

Sekian dulu penjelasan perihal perbedaan pada Universitas, Akademi, Sekolah Tinggi, Institut, dan Politeknik. Semoga Info yang kami bagikan berfungsi untuk kamu.


Differences in Terms of Campus, University, Academy, College

Are you still confused about entering https://lift-indonesia.com/ University, Academy or happy to enter High School? But, chances are you still confused, what’s the difference? Come on, let’s find out the difference. So that you don’t get right in and fit together with the target of your goals, of course you must first understand the differences. Here I will discuss the differences from Campuses, Universities, Academies, Colleges, Intitut, and Polytechnics.

University The word campus comes from the Latin bhs “magistrorum et scholarium university”, which means “community of teachers and academics”. The university is composed of a basic whole, unity of knowledge, and is divided into at least 4 groups of faculties which include Religious / Spiritual Sciences, Cultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Exact Sciences and Engineering. Example: University of Indonesia (public) and Trisakti University (private) which consist of various faculties.

Academy Academies provide additional higher education and teaching intended for specific skills, such as the Academy of Midwifery or Military Academy. What is clear is that it is not the Indosiar Fantasy Academy.

High Schools The explanation of article 20 paragraph 1 of Law Number 20 of 2003 states, “Higher schools organize academic and/or vocational education within the scope of one discipline of knowledge, technology, and/or art and if sufficient are able to organize professional education”.

Higher Education and Higher Education and Teaching and also carry out research in one branch of knowledge knowledge, which is similar to universities.

Institute Institutes, provide additional higher education and teaching and also carry out research in several branches of knowledge of similar knowledge. For example, the Bandung Institute of Technology whose entire faculty branch is around Engineering and Exact Sciences.

Polytechnic So, if you study at a polytechnic, you will have more practice immediately in the field you are taking. Yes, it’s the same as SMK if it’s for the high school level. The university is a high school and the polytechnic is like its vocational school. 🙂

If it’s on campus, it’s a kind of internship at the end of the semester. Later, your experience and knowledge will be the knowledge you learn, not just theory.

That’s all the explanation of the differences in Universities, Academies, Colleges, Institutes, and Polytechnics. Hopefully, the info we shared works for you.


Reckless Theocracy

Ahmad Hamzeh

An Iranian lawmaker, Ahmad Hamzeh declared a bounty on President Trump’s head Tuesday during a speech to parliament in Tehran. Ahmad Hamzeh said: “On behalf of the people of Kerman province, we will pay a $3 million reward in cash to whoever kills Trump”. The city of Kerman was the hometown of Gen. Qassem Suleimani, who was killed in a U.S. airstrike on Jan. 3.

To you Ahmad Hamzeh. I’ll make it clear for your mangy rug-faced, death-seeking, theocratic terrorist ass. One of our most inexpensive missiles killed your beloved Suleimani. It didn’t cost $3 million. No,… it only cost us $117,000, and your best general was incinerated with great precision. You stupid Persians just don’t get it do you,… you are controlled by your emotions because of your theocracy, not rationality. You don’t have a people that have a government; you have a government religion that uses a people. If you don’t know the difference your doomed to the same fate as Suleimani because Iran’s theocratic notions, and emotions will always cause you to do irrational, moronic things. See below for information about the $117,000 Hellfire Missile (I call it the heartbreaker).

Ahmad Hamzeh wrote a book called “In the Path of Hizbullah”. In that book Hamzeh opines that Hezbollah emerged because of 4 key Middle Eastern events starting in 1943. They allegedly are: Identity Crisis and Persecution, Structural Imbalance, Military Defeat, and Demonstration Effect (Iran’s Islamic Revolution). In my opinion I believe he is only partly correct. He loves his theocracy, and Hezbollah but the same events are true for ISIS, PLO, and all the variant Middle East terrorist organizations. In fact, these events began long before 1943 but Hamzeh won’t speak of it because they want all Middle Eastern nations to come over to the dark side,… Fundamentalist Shia Muslim Identity (yea, I said it).

The Real History:

Oil was discovered in the Middle East in 1908 (think French Foreign Legion in Algeria, England’s push for Middle Eastern oil grab, and decline of the Ottoman Empire from 1876-1908). In 1908 an Ottoman faction called the “Young Turks” revolted for reforms. Foreign relations under the “Young Turks” led to disaster because they backed Germany in WW1 (and later during WW2). As part of the proposed Peace Settlement, Britain annexed Cyprus, and claimed Egypt as a protectorate. By 1920 the “Treaty of Sèvres” divided much of the Middle East into various regions we now know as Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Algeria, Bosnia, Serbia, Cyprus, the Balkans, etc. This division was based on how the entire region could be divided amongst the winning foreign powers France, Russia, Italy, Britain, etc. The divided regions were divided by map lines and not tribal factions (Shia, Sunni, Christian, etc.). This led to cascading conflicts in the entire region from Bosnia to Oman. These cascading events are the root of every conflict that has erupted from 1908 until present. And it all started with crude oil.

In 1927 oil was discovered in Iraq. In 1933 oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia. In 1938 the Mullahs backed Germany again. In 1943 autonomous regions such as Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq were given Independence. In 1948 Israel was granted Statehood in Palestine from Britain. In 1951 the largest oil deposit was found in Saudi Arabia.  In 1973 there was an oil embargo (Nov. 1973-May 1974). In 1975 Terrorists attacked Saudi oil ministers. In 1978 the U.S. backed Shah of Iran was overthrown and began the Iran Revolution. In 1979 Saddam Hussein became Iraq’s 5th president under the Ba’ath Socialist Party, and Iran kidnapped 52 U.S. hostages during an embassy takeover. In 1980 the U.S. backed Iraq began an 8 year war with Iran (and won). In 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait for its oil reserves. In 1991 The U.S. led coalition forces caused Saddam Hussein to retreat back to Iraq (igniting dozens of oil wells in the process). In 2001 Saudi Arabian terrorists attacked the world trade center destroying the Twin Towers, and igniting a decades-long war in the Middle East that rages on to this day. Again,… it all started with crude oil.

AGM-114 Hellfire Missile

The AGM-114 Hellfire is an air-to-surface missile (ASM) first developed for anti-armor use, but later models were developed for precision drone strikes against other target types, and have been used in a number of targeted killings of high-profile individuals (like Suleimani). The cost is $117,000. It was originally developed under the name Heliborne, Laser, Fire and Forget Missile, which led to the colloquial name “Hellfire” ultimately becoming the missile’s formal name. It has multi-mission, multi-target precision-strike ability, and can be launched from multiple air, sea, and ground platforms, including the Predator drone. The Hellfire missile is the primary 100-pound (45 kg) class air-to-ground precision weapon for the armed forces of the United States and many other nations. (courtesy, Wikipedia)


Trump Takin’ Care Of Business

Mojtaba Zonnour

Diego Garcia is an atoll some 1,000 nautical miles off the southern tip of India, and is part of the United Kingdom. It is part of the islands of the British Indian Ocean Territory. The U.S. Navy operates a support base, military air base, and space-tracking facility there. The British government operates their own classified facilities there as well.

In June, 2014 An Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) adviser Mojtaba Zonnour who is a senior official, was quoted for the record as saying “In the event of an irrational attack by the U.S., America’s military bases will not be safe from our missiles, whether in Bahrain or at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean”. This was quoted during a visit to Switzerland which entailed meetings to finalize a nuclear deal with the west. If Iran really can hit Diego Garcia with its ballistic missiles, it means they have an unconfirmed range in excess of 3,000 nautical miles. This is within the realm of possibility. What is his definition of “irrational attack”? I think it’s the same as their definition of terrorism.

I have spent some time (too much time) in Diego Garcia on more than one occasion. It is isolated, and I don’t want to go back there. It is also an important operational and strategic Island for both the U.S. and U.K. If the Iranian chuckleheads and knuckleheads of state think for one second that a ballistic missile attack launched against facilities at Diego Garcia would ever actually strike it. They are wrong – it would be shot out of the sky long before getting to their target. The mere act would also lead to their swift annihilation by the U.S. and Iran’s population would be decreased by more than 60% in mere minutes.  Their entire nation would be reduced to barbarians and mutated religious fanatics scraping through a mile-high mountain of radioactive corpses to gather up a meal.  They truly are egotistical terrorists having a serious inferiority complex. They are, in fact, theocratic idiots. Iran is going to step on us one too many times and it’s going to be their destruction – by the U.S. or Israel, or both. Even the best side-show knife jugglers get cut eventually. Keep juggling you stupid dumb-asses, we will cut you… and we’ll do it publicly. Since this verbal sword slashing we got Benghazi, several Iranian kidnappings and extortion attempts, drone shoot-downs, and oil tanker seizures. Trump warned Iran that if they kill an American there will be swift reprisal from the US. They killed a civilian contractor several months ago. The US took swift and precise action against Iran by killing a top terrorist general Qassem Suleimani. Iran fired missiles at an Iraqi joint military base on two separate occasions, injuring several US military members (no American deaths). Then, because of their fear and hatred for the US they shot down one of Ukraine’s passenger jetliners, killing 176. They first said it was mechanical, then said they shot it down with a missile by accident. The key word here is FEAR. Iran is in fear of President Trump. He does not back down, and he is not an appeaser. He cares about the US Constitution, the American people, and won’t be bullied by Iran or the deep state.

Who was Qassem Suleimani?

1981 During the Iran – Iraq War

Suleimani was a 4th Generation Warfare Expert: He was an Instigator, Manipulator, Exploiter, Bomb Designer, and Terrorist General of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Force. He mastered Asymmetric Warfare, Lawfare, Propaganda, Information Warfare, and Counterintelligence. He was a dangerous man, and the US could have and should have killed him decades ago.

In Lebanon, in the 1980’s when I was returning to the military after a 9 month hiatus, I was in a briefing (waiting for my orders to deploy to Southeast Asia) where the name Suleimani was mentioned as a terrorist trainer and Shi’ite militia organizer for the Hezbollah to fight a proxy war against Israel. I was introduced to the term “Asymmetric Warfare”.

Suleimani even went against his own principals of not helping Sunni’s by giving money to the Palestinian’s Hamas to be able to make trouble for Israel, and the US through propaganda, and Lawfare.

In Iraq Suleimani sponsored the Shi’ite PM Nuri al-Maliki in a satellite proxy war with the US and Israel. He even tried to manipulate the US into helping us fight the ISIS Sunni’s (Obama the moron was going to help him!). Suleimani supported this proxy war through small arms, and specialized training covering IED’s like roadside bombs.

In Syria Suleimani was the driving force behind the Iranian support given to dictator Bashar al-Assad. The support was because Bashar supports Hezbollah in Lebanon, and also because Bashar wants to eradicate the Sunni rebels that want him out of power. The Suleimani support was in the form of missiles, other armaments, and specialized training in bomb-making.

In Libya Suleimani used the Quds Force, and provided support and money to the Ansar al-Sharia terrorist group in the Benghazi Embassy attack that murdered US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and several military security team members. Hillary Clinton allegedly knew it was going to happen and did nothing to support the embassy staff, or reinforce the Consulate with the Seal Team deployed only 5 kilometers away. Then she tried to cover it up.

In 2011 Suleimani tried to hire Mexican Drug cartels to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in Washington D.C. using a IED car bomb. This attempt was stopped by our Justice Dept. He attempted to commit terrorist acts on American soil several times as a way to take jabs at Saudi Arabia because of their long-time feud. 

Who Is Esmail Ghaani

Ghaani is a 4th Generation Warfare Expert too: He has been, and is an Instigator in Pakistan and Afghanistan, A Manipulator of Dark Financing, Exploiter of Banking, and the new Terrorist General of Iran Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Force after the US terminated Suleymani. Ghaani once said of Suleimani’s and himself, “We are children of war, we are comrades on the battlefield and we have become friends in battle.”

Esmail Ghaani’s Short Biography

  • Born Aug. 8, 1957, in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad
  • He volunteered for the Revolutionary Guard a year after the 1979 revolution.
  • He helped to put down the Kurdish rebellion in Iran that followed the shah’s ouster.
  • He fought in Iran’s 8 year war with Iraq throughout the 1980s
  • He joined the Revolutionary Guard’s “Quds Force” shortly after its creation.
  • He worked with Suleimani and led counterintelligence efforts with the Quds.
  • His job was to generate division and unrest to eastern countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan while controlling all the clandestine financial disbursements to Iran’s terrorist affiliates.
  • He did this while Suleimani generated division and unrest to the western countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, and Libya.
  • He is a prime target for termination because he is listed as a terrorist by the USDHS.

We wish you a long and merciless termination you terrorist asshole goat-fucker. May the fleas of a thousand camels bury themselves under your skin. May the heat of sun destroy your mind, and dry your precious Quds Force to dust. May your family morn for you in desolated poverty. And finally, may your theocratic Iranian nation be turned to atomic glass. LIVE BY THE SWORD,… DIE BY THE SWORD!

Oh,… and have a nice day.


Who I Am (A Libertarian)

A person, an ultra-progressive liberal I don’t particularly care for named Lester once told me that I could not be “middle-of-the-road” minded (able to see both liberal and conservative truths) when it comes to politics. I had to be either conservative, or liberal in my opinions and beliefs. That it was impossible to see both sides of the equation. This man has a BS in psychology and sometimes tries (successfully) to get in my head. I stated my beliefs to him once and he said I was full of crap. We nearly went to blows over this. He was completely incapable of seeing anything except his progressive ideology. Every book he ever wanted me to read was written by a liberal progressive. His college text books were also written by liberals. This divorced man owns no conservative literature or writings of any kind that I know of. He, in fact, is frightened of the conservative idea. This fear manifests itself so bad with him that he seems to think he can catch an ideological disease of some sort from listening to or reading conservative thought. He is so stubborn that he is an ideological dead weight to truly open minded problem solvers. He might achieve a balanced ideological equation if he entertained some conservative thought.

I’m what I like to call a common-sense, middle-of-the-road Libertarian with educated views about liberal-progressiveness and also conservatism. I sometimes listen to conservative radio shows. The talk show hosts nearly always eventually become pompous, or contradict previously stated opinions revealing their servitude to their employer (advertising). This allows me to see who they really are. I also listen to liberal media and liken them to cart horses with horse blinders on. They are ready and willing to pull the cart that is hitched to them as long as they get a feedbag of oats slapped on them occasionally (I’ll vote for you as long as I get free stuff attitude).

Me, I’m a straight shooter, and I don’t compromise my core-principals to anyone. I served 20 years in the service of my country. I took-in college over 20 years and never was once less than a 3.8 GPA. I don’t have a degree, know how many credits I have, or care, but I have received education in electronics, computer science, history, mathematics, engineering, literature, foreign studies, and military strategy. I’ve been a painter, radiation worker, crane operator, sea-going sailor, explosives worker, journeyman rigger, and supervisor. I’ve spent substantial time (11 years) in over 14 East and West Asian countries. I deployed 14 times to foreign countries. I’ve endured war, and also embraced humanitarian service to others less fortunate than I. I’m a Spiritual being and have faith in a Supreme Benevolent Trinity I call God. I am inter-racially married to the same beautiful woman for over 41 years. I retired from the service and immediately began a second career in manufacturing. We saved, and invested wisely. I retired from manufacturing after 23 years. My wife retired from her senior living healthcare job after 24 years, and now we’re ready for the next phase of our lives,… service work for our community and family. My Libertarian ideologies are as follows:

I believe in protecting my own with deadly weapons like guns because when seconds count – police are only minutes away. My God’s okay with me protecting my family and myself by killing (but not murdering). Someone told me once that they carry a gun because they can’t carry a cop.

I believe one should prove they can vote with a photo I.D. because a photo I.D. is also required to get government aid and nobody seems to have a problem with having one for that.

I believe the parents of children should teach them about their God, and give them their moral compass. Reading, writing, mathematics, the sciences, unbiased literature, and unbiased history are what our education system should concentrate on. Teachers are educators, not social workers. They should stick to educating or find other work.

I believe everyone should serve at least two years in the military or Peace Corps. We call it “service” for a reason and service cultivates ones character in the formative years of adulthood.

I believe a person can marry any person they choose but they fall under the same rules as the rest of us, no special treatment. Their financial liabilities should be the same weather divorced or deceased. I don’t believe in special interest groups or lobbyists.

I don’t believe in being the world police and believe we should mind our own damn business. I don’t like people telling us what to do or how to live and we shouldn’t be telling them either. Most modern wars are fought about energy resources, I would exploit our own vast energy resources and screw what the other free-loading nations want or think about us. I would pursue energy science to the highest degree because not all natural resources are renewable.

I would restrict, and greatly limit the amount of foreign aid we give to our trusted allies. I would stop giving aid to foreign nations that are not our allies because they badmouth us, and have proven their unworthiness to receive it. Every country on this planet owes us for the many times we pulled their asses out of hell except China (even though we delivered aid to China during WW2). Since China has manipulated the Chinese currencies in their favor for years putting us in the hole we should do the same to them to pay them off by charging them excessive amounts for the raw resources they need from us. At the same time we should nationalize all natural resources until our deficit is balanced to zero. This would be an incentive for the wealthy corporate natural resource market to get us back on track. Then only American entities should own natural resources here, not foreign entities. We should also only allow U.S. Citizens to own real estate in the U.S. because we aren’t for sale.

My wife is an immigrant. It cost us in excess of $5,000 in 1982 (almost our annual wage) to complete the process. It was not cheap on our meager income but it was legal. Now she legally works, resides, and pays taxes into our system. She has paid into Social Security for over two decades, and only now did they tell her that she must be a US citizen to collect benefits while living overseas. Our government has been corrupted my foreign lobbyists. President Biden is, and always has been beholden to China. He is the most corrupt president we have ever had. All of his children, and wife just as corrupt. The FBI, and other government institutions are corrupt as well, allowing his crimes to go uninvestigated. Illegal immigrants pay nothing into our system yet legally take from it. This pisses my wife off. She said we should go to their homes and start living there, raiding their refrigerator, and eating their food regardless of whether they like it or not (cute, but not realistic). I say firstly, enforce border control with deadly force, and then place current illegal immigrants in indentured servitude (road crews, and other much needed infrastructure services for 25% over minimum wage) until they have paid into the system for 10 years or more depending on whether they have dependents with them or not. Then they can be a citizen if they choose, or reside here in perpetuity with a permanent resident status and SSN. No free ride. Immigrants following the law would not have to do this. My great, great grandfather had to fight for the Union Army as an immigrant in order to be a citizen here. Again, we should give no free ride to illegal immigrants.

The president should NEVER have “Executive Order” authority and be able to bypass our judicial and legislative branches of government. Congress and The Supreme Court are there for a reason. It’s so we do not end up with a monarchy, or a dictator capable of plunging us into destruction. You want something Mr. President? Ask for it politely and intelligently. Make your case to the Congress Mr. President. They’ll review it and get back to you.

Life begins at conception. I believe nobody has the right to end life except our Creator and Supreme Being. Infants can’t litigate for themselves, so induced death should not be part of being born. We should litigate for them and for the old. We should be able to have our diapers changed when we’re babies and when we’re old, and I look forward to it. If a woman aborts a baby then she should be held accountable. Not by us, but by her Creator. Our taxes should never pay for it because taxpayers may be morally opposed to it. I can’t help anyone if I’m too busy judging them.

I don’t believe in letting humans starve to death. I’ve seen it in other countries and it’s not pretty or humane. We should help our own impoverished first, then others where we can. In all cases we should “teach them how to fish” instead of just giving them a fish. We should not restrict charitable work with nonsensical laws posing as protections to the impoverished. Nothing wrong with food that is out-of-date but not spoiled,… I occasionally eat it myself and I’ve never gotten sick from it.

LGBTQ+ people should never have ANY right, or privilege over and above anyone else. You want to act like a pervert? Expect to be treated as one. You want to act obscene? Expect to be treated obscenely. You want to commit ANY violence? Expect violence to be committed on you. You want to threaten children and parents with puberty extortion, and cultist LGBTQ+ brainwashing in our schools, public libraries, and tax payer paid venues? Expect parents or others to terminate your life. In short, you are not special,… your a queer. Your ideology is queer, you have no moral compass worthy of mentioning. You have the main stream media and entertainment industry in your pockets. Your biggest problem is you. You just can’t be happy with the general LGBTQ+ acceptance the majority has given you. You want special rights and privileges above others. A day is coming when you will seek but not find any place you can to hide from the violent retribution that is coming to you.

Yes, Lester, I am “middle-of-the-road” minded when it comes to politics because I’ve seen the real world in its good and bad detail, and we are rapidly becoming like them. We are becoming a “One World Government” or “New World Order” if you will. People request our aid, and flock to our borders because we are NOT like their countries. They must assimilate into our peoples, we don’t assimilate to them. This has been going on since our independence in 1776. Last, but not least I’m a patriot in the highest degree, and I honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. I say “Semper Fortis” to all my brothers and sisters in the service. What am I? I am 5th generation America, and there are a lot more like me. So to the ultra-liberal’s I’m giving them the middle finger and I say,… kiss my ass you little pussies. You should all grow long ponytails so that someone can help you pull your liberal heads out of your asses!


Who Is This “Q Anon”

On “8-Chan” there was an awakening happening that I have known of for many months now. These three links will help you understand what exactly is happening (edit as of Jan 2020: Q has moved domains from “8chan” to “8kun”. Ensure you use a VPN and TOR to stay anonymous folks! When you click on the link it takes you to a page that reads “THANKS FOR THE FISH”. to understand what this means you need to watch the movie “Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy”. On the page click ENTER to proceed to 8kun.):




The first link is the actual Q Anon postings, the second one is the complete historical account of all the Q Anon postings, and the third link is one of dozens of “Anon Bakers” that take all the breadcrumbs Q drops, and bakes the deciphered narrative of the story. I know what you’re thinking… “This is all opium pipe dreams, right?” Wrong. The information this Q person is sharing can only be known to very few, very patriotic, high echelon (the highest level) operatives and patriots. The name Q means top “Q” clearance (the highest clearance possible, other than the POTUS, or VPOTUS). Some people think this Q is the POTUS, or VPOTUS, but recent events have proven that to be incorrect. When a news reporter was caught with a concealed pistol in Mar-A-Lago in the news truck Q knew about it, and warned that the POTUS would be attacked two days before. He later explained that the Q “Team” helped diffuse the event, and prevent it from happening. He knew about the secret trip to the Forbidden City that Kim Jung Un made to meet with the head of China two weeks before it made the news. There are many, many more examples that can be made but I’m limiting this post.

The POTUS recently stated to the press that this was the “calm before the storm”. When asked by CNN what storm? He stated in a very serious manner “you’ll see”. Q also stated that the storm  has begun, and that the public would only be allowed to be informed of about 60% of the dark corruption that is taking place because if we knew everything it would tear the very fabric of our society apart. This Q has hinted that their patriot group has videos of the recent previous US presidents, members of Congress, Foreign Dignitaries and Leaders, and many Corporate Executives performing child rape, murder, human trafficking, satanic sacrificial killings, adrenochrome harvesting, and even human hunting on private secluded lands owned by the elite. Additionally, Q states that they all know we have all the proof and evidence, and that there is nothing the perpetrators can do to stop the reckoning train! Coincidentally, when Q dropped all these breadcrumbs thousands of resignations from around the world took place, and many high ranking and influential people have been arrested, or have turned up missing. None of this has been in the Main Stream Media,… why? Think about recent resignations since Jan/2018. I have the entire list for the last seven months. The last two months are unprecedented compared to the months previous to Feb. The storm is here, and I believe we are seeing a reckoning!  The deep state is be reckoned with! View the three lists here, or register as a subscriber and download the entire spreadsheet file.


ANTIFA (The Fascist, Anti-Fascist Terrorist Group)

What is Fascism?

1922, originally used in English 1920 in its Italian form, fascism is a system of government that flourished in Europe from the 1920s to the end of World War II. Germany under Adolf Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Spain under Franco were all fascist states.

 Mirriam-Webster defines Fascism as: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Benito Mussolini (the founder of Fascism), originally defined Fascism as: a 3-Principled, philosophical system of government:

1.“Everything in the state”. The Government is supreme and the country is all-encompassing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body, often a dictator.
2.“Nothing outside the state”. The country must grow and the implied goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, and have every human submit to the government.
3.“Nothing against the state”. Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong. If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens.
The use of militarism was implied only as a means to accomplish one of the three above principles, mainly to keep the people and rest of the world in line. Fascist countries are known for their harmony and lack of internal strife. There are no conflicting parties or elections in fascist countries.

Google has redefined the word Fascism. If you type the word into Google, the definition they provide is quite different. The world’s largest search engine pins fascism on the political right, not the left.

Google defines fascism as, “an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.” (emphasis added)

The secondary definition is, “(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.”

That’s a striking difference from how the word has been defined for the 9 decades since Mussolini. Google is a liberal, socialist entity known for pushing their agenda onto the populous. This is why they redefine any non-google point of view if they can get away with it. I say use and abuse their search engine, hide your tracks, and block their ads. Screw them!


What is Antifa?

The Antifa movement is a political movement of autonomous, self-styled anti-fascist groups. The salient feature of Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism by direct action. They are known for their militant protest tactics, including property damage and physical violence. They tend to be anti-government and anti-capitalist, and they are predominantly far left and militant left, including anarchists, communists and socialists. They focus on fighting far-right and white supremacist ideologies directly, rather than on encouraging pro-left policy.

In August 2017, a petition requesting that Antifa be classified by the Pentagon as a terrorist organization was launched on the White House petitioning system We the People. It gathered more than 100,000 signatures in three days, and therefore under policy set by the Obama administration would have received an official review and response from the White House; at over 300,000 signatures, by late August it was the third most-signed submission posted. However, the precedent set by the Obama administration of issuing formal responses to petitions which exceed the 100,000 signature threshold has not been continued by the Trump administration, which has not responded to any petitions on the site. The originator of the Antifa petition, who goes by the pseudonym Microchip, remarked to Politico that getting conservatives to share and discuss the petition was the entire point, rather than prompting any concrete action by the government.

According to the Urban Dictionary they are: Middle-class champagne socialist/communist/anarchist white boys who don’t like nationalists, capitalists, or fascists. They consider themselves to be rebelling against the establishment, whilst upholding all of its ultra-politically correct views. They are considered a terrorist group generally made up of degenerate anarchy loving teenagers, similar to that of the ARA, who hate anyone that is a racist/nationalist/”Nazi”/etc., however, Antifa only dislikes racism when its carried out by whites, and they do not have the intestinal fortitude to stand up against anti-white racism; leading to many people on the right to refer to them as ‘race traitors’. They believe their tactics are for the greater good, but have pretty much ran out of Nazis to chase after so they take it out on anyone else. They beat people up using mace, batons, boots, brass knuckles and anything else at their disposal. They are known cowards, will gang up on you, and only attack in groups. If you see a lone Antifa they have fear on their face.

What Should Be Done About Them?

In Germany, Italy, and Spain they were shot by the citizenry, and left for dead as a sign to the rest of them. It worked well. I think that Antifa is a liberally-backed group that needs to taste the wrath of their opposing citizens. I feel the same about BLM as well. I’m not opposed to literally going to war with them and using deadly force on them because they are the enemy, and they are committing violence against innocent legal residents. They are violent socialist’s that follow the “pied piper” no matter the music. If our country is to be free of these violent types we must be more assertive and violent with them. We should find out who they are, where they go to college, where they hang-out at, and where they live. I say that if they form a violent group, and hurt any legal resident of our great nation then (according to the Constitution and Bill of Rights) we can form our own group and eradicate them with lethal force. After all,… they want a war with us don’t they? Let’s give it to them. Conservatives can easily out-gun them and we have the military training to do it. They won’t graduate from their socialist college. No, they’ll die. On November 4th (the day they want to rise up using violence against us) we should all have our weapons locked and loaded. When they start it we need to finish as many of them as possible, as quick as possible, retreat into the background, and act as though we don’t know anything. It’s what they do. Let’s do it to them once and for all! If the BLM joins them, then we’ll take care of them too. Fuck Antifa, the BLM, and George Soros. I hope they all die on the 4th of November. Then we won’t have to worry about them anymore. Let’s roll!

Thanks, … Mr. Sober


Drexel University’s Racist Propagandist

While scrolling through my post-Christmas news this morning I read the story about a Drexel University associate professor’s white genocide comments that sparked the public’s ire, and led to Drexel University officials publicly condemning the tweet.

The associate professor, George Ciccariello-Maher, tweeted “all I want for Christmas is white genocide”. The university issued this statement on Christmas day “Drexel became aware today of Associate Professor George Ciccariello-Maher’s inflammatory tweet, which was posted on his personal Twitter account on Dec. 24, 2016,” reads the statement from Drexel University officials. “While the university recognizes the right of its faculty to freely express their thoughts and opinions in public debate, Professor Ciccariello-Maher’s comments are utterly reprehensible, deeply disturbing, and do not in any way reflect the values of the university. The university is taking this situation very seriously. We contacted Ciccariello-Maher today to arrange a meeting to discuss this matter in detail.” Ciccariello-Maher followed up with the tweet: “To clarify: when the whites were massacre during the Haitian revolution, that was a good thing indeed,”

Ciccariello-Maher is an associate professor specializing in social movements, racism, prisons, law enforcement in the U.S. and particularly in Latin America. According to email correspondence with him from Inside Higher Ed, Ciccariello-Maher claimed the tweets were “satirical”, and commented that he received hundreds of death threats.

He went on to claim it as an imagery concept about white supremacists, and that we need to do our research. He added in further statements that the statement by Drexel University was “chilling” and “While upholding my right to free expression, the statement refers to my (satirical) tweets as ‘utterly reprehensible,” he said.” On the university level, moreover, this statement — despite a tepid defense of free speech — sends a chilling message and sets a frightening precedent. It exposes untenured and temporary faculty not only to internal disciplinary scrutiny, but equally importantly, it encourages harassment as an effective means to impact university policies.”

The associate professors twitter account has been set to private and his poison can no longer be viewed. I have done my research Ciccariello-Maher, and you are a liar in the first degree! Ciccariello-Maher, you are the racist, you are the instigator to public turmoil in our U.S. society. If you don’t like white people (and it’s wholly obvious you don’t) then stop making your living teaching them your racism! Go to your beloved Latin American failed countries and promote your hate there. You’re unbridled “gas-bag” rhetoric is what is wrong with our higher education system! You condemn white people for speaking their opinion, but you think you should be able to call for, and wish for white genocide and expect your hatred and caustic speech to be protected! You are nothing more than an educated associate professor promoting racism, bigotry, racial genocide, killing, and hatred. Research genocide gas-bag, it means killing, and that’s what you promoted by that tweet. If any white people are murdered because of the statements you made you can be prosecuted and imprisoned! Research that! You cannot instigate murder (genocide) without repercussions.

You say you have received hundreds of death threats? I don’t believe you! Because you are one of the progressive-liberal minded educators, you have adopted the tactic of deception, and deceit to promote your hate. Your claims of death threats are likely “fake news”, and you know it. The real tax paying, family-minded, conservative white people do not believe the lies anymore! We became aware of these liberal and progressive tactics 3 years ago. In your twisted mind you think that only white people can be racists. This is because racists have educated and brainwashed you. You twist your historical facts based on opinions you have learned through your teacher’s racist lies. You closed your mind to the warmth of love and racial equality early in your childhood, supplanting it with the poisonous seeds of your racist teachers, and forming your own racism. You are like Barack Obama in that way,… a trained and learned racist.

After tweeting your caustic words you actually think that Drexel University should not have the power to discipline you! More of that liberal progressive thinking! You work for them at their pleasure fool! I hope they terminate your position with them. I hope your students turn their back to you in class. Here is Drexel Universities Social Media Policy (I did the research, maybe you should have). I hate the fact that a tenured professor can spew anything he wants with no fallout. Tenures should be done away with as well. You are the worst kind of racist because you actually believe the racism that you promote against whites is justifiable!

I hope that any offended parties sue you and bankrupt you into obscurity! George Ciccariello-Maher, you are a racist, a hater, and you suck! You should just crawl into your hole with the other hater liberal-progressives!

NEW INFORMATION: 12/27/2016 —  Now Ciccariello-Maher has given his rebuttal to the criticism by the public of his racist statements,… and what do you think it is? He says the white critics are racists! Exactly like I said he would! I knew he would blame his critics for his statement as if we were flapping his racist jaws for him! George Ciccariello-Maher you are not an academic in any viable discipline,… no, you are merely a cowering little professor of racism in that you profess your own racism. Then you twist criticism against you as racist. Your like a little baby shaking a ring of plastic keys, throwing them on the floor expecting mommy to pick them up and give them back to you. Your not a baby, and you don’t get your keys back, racist!


Honey Pot News

It looks like the Democratic Liberal Propagandists have tried to use the old “Honey Pot Trick” with the public again. If something’s too good to be true,… then it probably is. As of Dec. 10 the CIA and FBI are not thinking alike! The Washington Post NOW says that the CIA and the FBI cannot agree on any hacking attempt by the Russians that posed a credible threat to the election results. The NSA says the information that the Washington Post received is not credible as well. The New York Times and Washington Post are liberal leverage tools that the Democratic Party and its allies use to manipulate mass information, that’s why the liberal machine, through Hillary Clinton’s speeches, created the “Fake News” flap just before puking up the real “Fake News” story about the Russian hacking incident that quoted “anonymous sources”. Seriously!! Anonymous sources are not actionable evidence, and NEVER have been. Their “anonymous sources” were never vetted, and cannot be verified by any other sources. “Pa-leaze”,… Are you fu-shizzlin’ me! They vomit up this lie because then they look or seem more credible in this, their own fake story. It’s more of the same Democratic tactics that people are now very familiar with! The liberal machine knows no other way to stop what has happened in our Great Nation! They publish information saying that reality is one way, as they lubricate the masses for the opposite story they try to pass-off as the truth. It’s the old 180 degree scam they have played for the last 25 years. Their reality is opposite of true reality, and they want us all to believe them. They are the “entitlement generation” where everyone must win a trinket, so they want Hillary Clinton to be the next president, even if it means throwing our Constitution out the damn window. I am convinced that they truly think they can continue to deceive the hard working class people in our country,… even after being exposed as fraudulent “Mass Media Propagandists”.  Their credibility is as low as whale crap. Even the POTUS Obama and his old lady Michelle are trying to play the “lost hope” card. They refuse to try to repair the mistrust they have caused and suffer still further alienation of the voters in the U.S., and their own political party. They are at an all-time low and are desperate to rise above it, even if it kills them!

I hope President Trump prosecutes the Clintons, and all those that have attempted to undermine our great nation through traitorous acts, lies, deception, embezzlement, monetary fraud, and more! I hope he throws out most of the ACA. I hope he Throws out ALL the executive orders that the Obama administration has enacted. Then I hope he uses our legislative branch of government to TRULY PASS constitutionally sound laws that will require all branches of our government in order to repeal them (as our forefathers wanted)! Then, finally, I hope he removes the power of the POTUS to sign executive orders and bypass our Legislative Branch of government. Our POTUS should not have the power of a dictator, and executive order powers give that to the POTUS. We need to eliminate that power for our own protection.

Having none else to blame after all the usual blame-targets have failed, here’s who former president Bill Clinton blamed for the Democratic Party loss: Wayne Allyn Root. Why? Because he wrote a best seller called “Angry White Male”. This book cemented the average white, working, middle class, taxpaying, family loving, freedom and liberty valued American together. It is obvious that Bill Clinton has dementia because that statement made the bond of our resolve even more solid! Here’s what Wayne Allyn Root had to say about Bill Clinton’s comment.


Sniveling Liberals Stopping Free Speech

Was it not the democrats, the liberals, and the socialists that said that ALL U.S. Citizens must have the right to assemble, and to demonstrate, and to exercise free speech? Then why do they CONSISTENTLY oppose the rights of ALL others outside their ideology the very same rights. Why do they CONSISTENTLY embrace violence as a method to impose their ideologies upon those that do not want their form of thinking? Why do they CONSISTENTLY impose their will upon ALL peoples of our country? Is it because their pedophile, lying, cheating, murdering, traitorous nominee did not get elected? Is it because they are paid activists? Is it because they are brainwashed in the stupidity that is the liberal, democratic agenda?

Yes to all of these and more! These violent protestors, and thugs should have the same violence applied to them that they apply to the rest of us! They are the enemy of the state. They are the cancer in our country. They are what is  killing our nation. They are the Anti-United States of America. They must be stopped. Find them in their homes. Find them in their apartments. Find them in their pubs and bars. Find them especially where they congregate. Go to them in crowds and get in their face like they do to us! Assemble and protest everything they do! Exercise your second amendment rights if you need to protect yourselves from being accosted by them. Put them in their Anti-U.S. place. The Democratic Party represents tyranny! The Democratic Party’s time is over!

Join together against the democratic liberal socialists and fight! Show them who we are! Amass all we can to step on them! Crush their spirit! TAKE THE FIGHT TO THEM!!! They have George Soros (a foreigner) to bankroll them, so we must assemble against all of them and use our representative republic, our conservatism, and our constitutional mandate to ensure our place in our society! DO NOT LET THEIR METHODS WIN OUT! Prosecute them and take away their money! We can use their 180 degree methods against them (when they say yes they are really saying no, etc.). We are on the precipice of change! Let us turn back the irrationality of liberal, socialist thinking. The Supreme Power has blessed our  endeavors, but we must do the footwork. Let us join hands and change our nation back to our Constitutional way of governance. The way it was before the democrats and liberal thinkers hijacked it. A Representative Republic By the People, and for the People,… ALL People! WATCH THIS VIDEO!


Protests, Socialism, and HillBillary!

All the protests we see now, since the election of our president-elect Trump. All the asinine comments they have about global warming and dying in the streets is the most infantile, childish, immoral, and spoiled behavior I have ever witnessed in my entire life! My all-time favorite was the statement they resounded that the Electoral College must “change their votes”. Not only are they childish and infantile, but they are absolutely, unequivocally, the stupidest mass group of protestors as well! Hey, morons, the electoral college CAN NOT CHANGE THEIR VOTES AFTER THE ELECTION!! I am glad you morons did not get your way because your not intelligent enough to lead the rest of us. Your mostly just a bunch of spoiled paid activists. When your old enough to raise your own family you’ll find that you were uninformed morons by thinking that way. The ones that always project that way of thinking, do it because they’re getting rich from the morons they get to follow them! Everyone else is trying to work to support their families. The ones protesting now are the selectively unemployed. Here is a link to a YouTube Video that was a remarkable prophecy for it’s time in the 1950s. I call it the “ISM” video

My own sister wanted to vote for Bernie Sanders and professes to be a Socialist. She used to always tout the fact of her Catholicism to me and my wife (but voting for an abortion proponent was Okay as long as it was a socialist, liberal, union lover). My statement to her is give 75% of your assets to the government to redistribute because you can live comfortably on the remaining 25%. What,… you don’t feel that strongly about it? She works for a union (which is exempt from the ACA so she pays nothing for health care) She absolutely hates trump and was shocked that I voted for him. I voted for him because he is what we need! I don’t work for a union, and health insurance where I work at costs about $9600 a year (it costs this much because WE are paying for the uninsured, and minimum wage employees to get free health insurance). Maybe if she had to live like the rest of the non-union U.S. she would have a different attitude about it.

Our country is so sick it needs an emergency room to heal it,… Donald Trump is that emergency room. Donald Trump is that doctor. Donald Trump is the one to decide where to apply the first of many surgical procedures necessary to bring about the improved health of our nation. If a person wants to smoke pot and work then, most of the time, that person gets a minimum wage job that doesn’t perform urinalysis on them like a real job. That same person wants free health insurance and all the free benefits of the person that makes twice as much and contributes more to our society than a fu**king hamburger. My answer is this; Put the dope down, clean yourself up, and get a real, higher paying job. Leave the minimum wage job for the High School students (like it should be) to learn how to be a responsible employee.

The thing that gets me the most is that when Obama won in 2008, and again in 2012 they attacked us for having very minor protests, they called us Bible reading, gun toting right wing fanatics. They called us deplorable, they killed our police officers, and they sold government secrets to the highest bidder. They outright hijacked our countries election process, and forced the Affordable Care Act down our throats without even reading it. The Democratic Party are nothing less than traitorous enemies of the state. They have not helped the disenfranchised minorities ever, no, they give just enough promises to them to get their votes and then leave them wanting real substance instead of promise. Now those same disenfranchised thugs are calling for the rape of Melania Trump, and the killing of Donald Trump. How dare you! Your life will not be worth two cents you idiots! Hashtags are easy to trace! You people put so much drugs and chemicals in your bodies you can’t even think right anymore. The government should sterilize you so you can’t pass on the genetic devoid idiocy that is you! Your beyond my pity.

The Grim Reaper’s Coming to Town Baby, and the Blade is Coming down fast,… you should get out of the street, and get the hell out of our way. You all are a bunch of lying, lazy, racist, self-righteous, greedy, immoral, freedom hating, socialist liberals! You are willing to sell your own nation to get your spoiled way. Most of you have not put your life on the line for your nation, and that’s why your candidate lost the race,… because you have never made a sacrifice for your nation or freedom. You literally HATE our nation, and with so many young men and women returning from embattled  countries to see what you have been doing to our nation THEY voted against you, not with you. You should pray they will be more tolerant with you than you were with them because they know how to fight and defend their beliefs, and here’s a newsflash for you,… their armed and trained!

The last thing I want to say is this; Obama used his pen to pass many laws so he could by-pass our legislative process. I’m hoping President Trump will do the same to crush those same Executive Orders Obama endorsed into law. My very real advice to all you protesters is this; Shut up, crawl into your hole, and pray to your human gods in the left-wing world that the Trump administration doesn’t squash you all with the stroke of a pen, or that he is kind enough to spare you and (like my drill instructor used to say) “fix your minds to get right thinking”.
